curious to know the hash rate of the Xcell chip."81,639 PS3 systems were sold within 24 hours of its introduction in Japan.
the PS3 was released in North America on Nov. 17, 2006.
Reports of violence surrounding the release of the PS3 include a customer shot, campers robbed at gunpoint, customers shot in a drive-by shooting with BB guns, and 60 campers fighting over 10 systems.
March 23, 2007 ... sold about 600,000 units in its first two days.
In a July 2008 interview, the objective for the PlayStation 3 is to sell 150 million units by its ninth year, surpassing the PlayStation 2's sales of 140 million.
50 million as of March 29, 2011
A 2009 study by SquareTrade, a warranty provider, found a two-year failure rate of 10% for PlayStation 3s.
The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) created a powerful supercomputer by connecting together 1,760 Sony PS3s which include 168 separate graphical processing units and 84 coordinating servers in an parallel array capable of performing 500 trillion floating-point operations per second (500 TFLOPS). The Condor Cluster is one of the top500 largest supercomputers in the world and will enable scientists to better identify objects flying in space."