Also the remote desktop should be active from the beginning.
"Remote desktop" is a Windows thing. Linux has a VNC server to do the approximate same thing. On my Fedora Linux system, the package is named
tigervnc-server. It runs a "daemon" process named "
vncserver" that listens for incoming requests just like equivalent Windows service.
But secure shell (SSH or OpenSSH) is even better than VNC in many ways. The package is named "
openssh" on Fedora and the daemon is "
sshd". It allows remote login to a shell, command-by-command execution, and even graphical application execution.
So if I log into my remote host with the command "
ssh host" (substituting the actual host name, of course) I can pop up a file manager window with "
nautilus&" or "
pcmanfm&", depending on what you have installed and prefer. (The optional ampersand "&" gives you back the command prompt while the window is displayed.)
Installation, package names and startup differ a little in each Linux distro and I've not used LinuxCoin.
I am missing for such things the "startup"-folder of my windows.
So how can I autostart this script and also remote desktop and after all is startet smartcoin?
Most software that runs on startup is a daemon that runs as root. But from my brief look at smartcoin, I don't think it's setup to run as a daemon. But you can use "
cron", which will run a script for you anytime you want, whenever you want. The best way to use it is to create a small text file like this, named crontab.txt
# Time fields: minute, hour, day, month, day-of-week (0 or 7 is Sun)
57 * * * * $HOME/bin/check_start_startcoin
Then execute it with the command "
crontab crontab.txt". This example executes a script "check_start_smartcoin" (which you must create) every hour at 3 minutes till the hour. Presumably it would check to see if smartcoin is running and start it if it's not.