I had deposited $400 in Liqui.io exchange and bought some BAT token, when i withdrawl token to my personal wallet it was locked in the exchange, more than 4 days over still it showing as processing,
There are lot of investor facing the issue with Liqui.io exchange, for proof you can check the Troll box, If people asking more question they will ban immediately.
You can depoist any number of amount in Liqui.io exchange, it will depoist within few minutes, But you can't withdrawl single amount from this exchange, if you contact support team, you won't get any response.
Please beware such kind of exchange, I loss my amount, please be careful like this exchanges.
Another scam exchange.
Please refer the below chat in Troll box, there are lot of investor facing the issue, but no response from liqui team.
100lik: Tajiktrader, ouch...10days
xfreestyler: As I see here:
https://etherscan.io/txs?a=0x5e575279bf9f4acf0a130c186861454247394c06&p=9 last BAT transaction was 4 days ago
vanillapudding: Lol that's because ETH is complete garbage
NAGADOU: I can not withdraw BAT on 9th.
NAGADOU: I tried to withdraw yesterday but it is still Processing.
suiyuan: That kind of currency can be withdrawn
kof0012: how long will it takes to withdraw BAT
t5jabroni: How long does an ETH deposit take to show?
suiyuan: Can rlc withdraw cash?
NAGADOU: BAT has not been able to withdraw after 9 days. I do not know how long it will take.
suiyuan: System, Can rlc withdraw cash?
t5jabroni: Bitcoinfan how long does an ETH take to even show up on pending let alone in my account?
t5jabroni: deposit that is
wangrj: .
wangrj: Administrator #668672 #668671 these two can help me see it. 0x6e6d9a986cab422dcd75b15e51188c65f34aeb714277fd65277b7557deac12ac 0xf877405b4323805ed29c586629c3618d437e179d04971427cf245ddc394fb43d July 6th money, trouble me to see
wqq1234: how much time STX will take ? for deposit ?
swaggerballs: did liqui update for the new augur token contract?
System: advance has been banned by Bitcoinfan on 10.10:00:00.
khan1: can someone advise me,I withdrew BNT 5 days ago,sent ticket and told all withdrawals been suspended for TECH reasons,and need to wait,How can i cancell withdraw and ask them to credit it back to acoount? or get it prosessed.Thanks
khan1: TX ID #669217 for admin
khan1: TX ID #669217 for admin