Hello all,
I've made a patch against svn-r102 that adds three RPC methods:
ListGenerated [pendingOnly=false]
Returns a list of generated transactiosn. If pendingOnly is true, includes only accepted but not yet matured transactions.
Here's an example output:
"value" : 50.00000000000000,
"maturesIn" : 0,
"accepted" : true,
"confirmations" : 8184,
"genTime" : 1275586091
"value" : 50.00000000000000,
"maturesIn" : 0,
"accepted" : true,
"confirmations" : 7545,
"genTime" : 1275963218
I released a similar patch is the past, but this one is finally production-quality.
I also added two more functions:
gethps and getkhps
Those just return the hash rate and the hash rate / 1000. getkhps was also added as a key in getinfo.
Anyway, this patch can be downloaded at:
http://www.alloscomp.com/bitcoin/patches/bitcoin-svn-102-rpccalls-2010-07-14.patchIf you're using Linux x86_64, you can try out my binaries at: