
Topic: Litecoin payout per transacation question (Read 777 times)

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April 30, 2013, 01:51:50 PM
Hello all.. fairly new to Bitcoin/Litecoin mining but know a fair bit about it and have successfully been running and testing both bitcoins and litecoins in solo and various pool methods...

a few different rig's with several 7970's and 50's.. getting good rates and all that..

my question and concern on one specific scenario is this...

a buddy of mine just setup a P2Pool Litecoin server.. just within the last week.. and currently it's just us two in it. Right now I dedicated only ONE pc with two gpu's in it (7950 and 7970)...running beautifully at 1380 kH/s (or 1.4 Mh/s average approx)..

now bases on this EXACT same setup in various OTHER pools and testing situations (and based on LTC calculator)...this generats 3 to 4 Litecoins a day...and i've seen just that no prob... even in new setups, and first day running and all that.. i'm getting *proper* payouts per transactions and LTC's per day, etc, etc...

but on this one new server I'm running with my friend (my payouts and especially my LTC per transaction is VERY low)...and can't figure out why! It is an "equal" setup with no fee's, etc..

but at 1.4 Mh/s i'm getting BARELY .01LTC per trans.. often 7-9 mLTC's (.009 LTC per trans)... and after several trans per day I'm getting barely a TENTH OF ONE LITECOIN... this doesn't make sense...right?

He is mining with ONE GPU at 650 kH/s but his LTC per trans easily went up to .01 to .02 and then .04 and then .1, .2LTC per trans and so on...

No HW errors and the server stats show me running good and getting my ACTUAL hash rate at the proper amount.. and all that ... so based on this why do you think this is happening or what is causing this?

There are a few possibilities based on some info I found and a few I talked to.. I do know that in some scenario''s a "longer you mine, the higher it goes"... that's fine.. got that.. but doesn't equate here.. the TYPE of P2POOL server and it's setup is definitely a possibility and likely I assume....I'm getting totally RAKED and PILLAGED and what I thought was equal setup and share/distribution of shares/LTC's is not actually that...but I honestly don't think that is the case here and I'm fairly confident of that..but can't be 100% positive..

so to summarize...2 person's in simple LTC P2Pool. All things equal. all hardware and setup configs for miner clients is all good.. the server owner is running one card at approx 650 kh/s and myself, TWO cards at approx 1400 kh/s.. server shows actual hashrates as proper and error free...but his LTC per trans is 10-50 times higher then mine at less then half the load over basically the same length of time.. I barely getting .01 LTC per trans and maybe 10-20 trans a day totalling 1/10 or 1/20th of ONE LTC Coin ( approx .15 LTC payout after all trans for the day in my wallet)... hope this explains it simple enough

Can someone take a crack at explaining this to me? Thanks.. if need more away..
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