CGminer config
cgminer.exe --scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u LgJ6D717HL2FiAxNvfugnSGGBpDQ9EAvmJ -p x
cudaminer.exe -o stratum+tcp:// -u LgJ6D717HL2FiAxNvfugnSGGBpDQ9EAvmJ -p x
Pool Specifications
- No registration, start mining directly with only your Litecoin address
- Lightweight pool frontend, responsive design also perfect for browsing with tablet or smartphone
- Node heartbeat live displayed on frontend, updating every 10 seconds also on smartphone and tablet PC
- Fast and direct payments (PPLNS) into your wallet instead of a central wallet managed by someone you don't know
- Decentralized network, harder to attack
- Transaction fees in a block will also by payed to all miners in the pool
- Switch between different p2pool nodes without penalty. Payments will continue, they are all connected
Server Specifications
- 12GB RAM
- 10TB Monthly Bandwidth
- Hexacore
- 100Mbit connection
- Daily backups (full)
The server has a low latency in Europe mostly and has plenty of power left to fill the demand. So join now