Litigation Finance and Start-Up Protection brought to Ethereum
We, the team behind
#LitigationToken Project, are the founders of one of the first public-listed Bitcoin companies in Canada and Germany -
BitRush Corp. We have been part of the Bitcoin party since 2013, founded the faucet site PinkTussy, acquired the bitcoin-based ad brokerage site AdBit, co-founded one of the first Bitcoin lottery sites and some other projects. In a Joint Venture with a U.S. VISA partner, we issued a Bitcoin-based debit card and invested into blockchain gaming projects.
It was hard work and much fun. We did the public listing in Toronto on the
Canadian Securities Exchange (CSE) and the
Frankfurt Exchange in 2015 with many problems. Back then bitcoin was regarded as a scam, you remember. Nevertheless, we negotiated with the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) and the authorities in Germany. And we finally made it.
Unfortunately, after we did our job a group of hostile investors from Slovakia and Singapore literally started a war against us, the founders. They wanted to have us out, commenced legal procedures in Toronto and wanted the court to expropriate us. With pockets full of money they mandated the best lawyers in Toronto to get our shares for nothing. They threatened our friends and our families and launched a real legal tsunami (read more
here on Medium).
On the other hand, they deleted their websites and LinkedIn accounts. They vanished into thin air and have not been available for us or our lawyers and the courts. This situation nearly brought us down, and they acted like snipers.
LitigationToken and Litigation Finance was our answer. We spoke with lawyers from different jurisdictions and decided to apply to the cryptocurrency community to support us. Our LitigationToken (ERC20 and WordPress) is our means to finance our litigations and to develop a community that protects other startups from those threats. But don't worry, it's not only about us and protection. Litigation Finance is a highly profitable business, we learned.
Hence, our
LitigationToken definitely has the potential to become the first global legal currency delivering a lot of value to its holders. That's it for today, more info follows, see you guys.
Let's discuss this here. Open for all critics, remarks and ideas. We just started the pre-registration, look for supporters (bounty program etc.).