Is it possible/an advantage to live off-grid with bitcoin?
What I mean by this is living on a rural property, perhaps running a full-node, completely independent from the existing fiat financial system. We want to remove our dependency of the banks and corrupt political establishment entirely.
Obviously, you would need electricity and a computer to run a node and connect to the network. Perhaps bitcoin is not well suited for rural lifestyle or off-grid?
Yes, it is possible to live and run a bitcoin full-node off the grid.
There are a lot of people who live off the grid these days, although it requires the solar system to generate electricity which relatively expensive to buy the solar panel and all the stuff to make it works.
Running bitcoin full-node and mining bitcoin is clearly different. Currently, there is a smartphone
HTC exodus 1s that can run bitcoin full-node, it is more convenient than run it on a computer, right. If you want to mine bitcoin, all you need is enough solar panel that could generate enough electricity to run ASICs.