Interest Charged: 0.005
Payback: 0.045
Payback Date: possibly end of the month, October 30
Collateral: my account if it is valid
BTC address: 1MXBvXN3NS8Cx6vniPa8HiuuBMtfJynRuo
I need to pay our electric bill by monday or else I will be receiving a disconnection. I'm short on money at the moment due to the bill of our apartment has just came now and bills got stack before I have enough to pay for all at the same time.
Hi can lend you those 0,04 btc with a repayment of 0,05btc with the following requesits:
signed message its a most
your email account wich you signed at yobit
your yobit account
your account here, i dont pretend to use it and i do know its forbidden be at same signature with two accounts, i just wanna be sure op really will repay. If you default, this account will go auction with all the requirements.
I can also provide the signed message. Let me know if you can still fund it.
Im sorry, for the delay, as i stated above at my offer i would require all things to avoid if a default happens not allow to recovery the account, soo i have to deny you can go with others loans offers even being lower then the ammount you asking, you should had those email acess.