Edited my post.
1. By trades I meant buying crypto such as xmr on exchange and selling it on monero local etc.
2. Agree collateral helps, however then I could go to just any local lender office including credit union. I repay from income I receive - freelancing plus working as security.
3. Idea is to slowly and surely work from home and help folks to get crypto fast.
4. Lenders are different. Some lend solely to make cash some for other reasons.
5. Why 10 years. Simply to make sure payments are very affordable.
Plan does not depend on this loan only. If it happens fine. And if not I may simply get higher paying directly employed job and check with local banks.
No collateral - No Loan.
10 years is far too long to be attractive to any potential lender.
How will you repay the loan if your trades don’t go well?