Reasons: private
Repayment date: within 2-3days
BTCaddress: 12zfdUFCRchKaKVH2829f2hr9w3XA2VM7h
Repayment amount: 0.1btc = 0.15 / 0.8btc = 0.1 btc
I offer my dns/website as collateral, when I bought the website it already has traffics and backlinks also a previous ranking in google.
We can talk about the interest rate on how much I'm going to repay you, the above repayment can be change depending on your terms.
Ps. I am not trying to scam anyone, just in need of btc during the time that I post this.
5 traffic? even if that's 5k you are talking about that isn't worth a $4000 loan that you are currently looking for. I would suggest either putting up some valid collateral or locking this thread.