Repayment : 0.0075BTC
Time Period : 1 Week
How Will I Repay : Signature Campaign, Pays 0.009 this Wednesday.
Why do I need it : Need to fund a trade on LBC ( short of approx 0.007 for posting a btc selling trade on lbc)
Please send BTC on : 39djEzQtvjcR4qcE7WdUoAsjMqQxwbWXWV
Collateral : None (Spammers Please don't tell me about no collateral no loan stuff, a Hero member on btctalk has enough reasons to not to scam someone for 0.007 loan)
Signed Message :
Address used here earlier :
Address : 17ccXwuaK4nKaNh3TC1hiKLDyNRLwGCUQL
Message : Hi, This is real14hero. Need a 0.007BTC loan as on 18/06/18.
Signature : HzNz8w8/dEpRfvHCYxV5qf7H3n3gh0Fssuh1ucprKhKsSClb9WrU+ah2Q91SkbfkfwT95tCM7VT5fuv0Jqu21GI=
I am going to quote this to my loan service topic: <== mdayonliner's quick loan service [Available NOW]