This is a money making method I have created. I found one similar on the Silk Road, but decided to make one which better explains the steps to get free bitcoins from Local Bitcoins.
The price is $10 for a copy of this ebook, it is super simple, but, all you need is to be able to get into a bank (like walk into the lobby) and grab a single piece of paper. Easy in, easy out, right?
This method is untraceable and is super easy to do, and cheap.
Price is $10 per copy. I ask that you do not share it please!
Yes, I can quite clearly see how much time and effort you put into explaining the steps better. What were they before?
Walk in, walk out. Dance!...?
See, the problem is that you aren't even a Gooood scammer... your like a wannabe scammer still... and thats just cute. Like a tiny little maggot, waiting to grow into a fly....
And later sits on every smelly shit they can.....