A good friend and I got into btc nearly 2 years ago. While I don't hold a huge amount of btc I'm confident what I do have has the potential to change my life and the lives of people around me. This has been an amazing journey this far and it's just getting started! I have no plans of selling any of my btc anytime soon. I mined in the beginning but then sold my cards and started buying them. I'm comfortable with what I have now... but who doesn't dream of holding more? When this does go "to da moon" I'll be ready. I'm ready to enjoy some new found wealth and start a business that will keep me occupied... wouldn't it be nice to work because you want to and not because you have to? I hope that can happen in a couple years. lol
I'm happy to be involved, in my little way, with such a world changing innovation! A big thanks to those that have made this possible!!