So I part with my 45 BTC and what do I get? GAYmoney. And what is that worth? Nothing. There is no marketcap, no liquidity in the exchanges it does trade on. All you have done here is appeal to your hopes and aspirations for the coin, but that is also worth nothing.
GAYmoney is worth .0002485 BTC presently (USD $0.62) which has been a fairly steady average rate over the last month.the volume is the issue which is why ive offered substantially higher percentage of escrowed value compared to purchase price (200-250% for a load paying out in BTC or 300% if paying out in GAYmoney) than what most loans ask for (120%) and this was done to help insulate against valuation loss for GAYmoney, because yes, while i have aspirations for working with this currency, im a realist and know the market can go any damn way it chooses. there is heavy development occuring and ive been around long enough to know that the sort of features we are adding will build volume and should hold valuation at the very least steady.
as for market cap ( provides a little information, and the block explorer shows toatl coin issuance. the 5 billion reserve that frightens so many people because of how scams have occurred in the past with currencies, has been sitting with full balance from the coin's genesis. (gLsrjEbo31wmXZQssAeGyrw4CwBZgxafev) he has built his own balance of his currency for himself, and the premined amount is set for slow philanthropic disbursement with direct community input, that premine is not something that could be dumped.
if one actually takes (coin supply*market price) into consideration, GAYmoney has a total market cap of (5603079598*0.62) or just under $3.5 billion dollars US (which puts it as #4 total market cap overall) or if one simply considers circulating currency (although XRP counts in the 60 billion in reserves that currency development holds onto presently towards its market cap) still presents a circulating cvalue of USD $374 million, which still positions GAYmoney in the #13 spot total market cap. so GAYmoney was value, it simply doesnt have the necessary volume presently, otherwise i wouldnt be looking for a mortgage. the volume can and will be built, which will only improve the positioning of GAYmoney, but the honest assessment of the currency, if you consider it valueless, you would have to also consider anything below it in market cap (LTC, DASH, ETC) to be valueless as well.
lack of volume doesnt equate lack of value. but thanks for looking and taking the time to reply.