I would like to ask you some questions,
1. How about your plans? To buy the hardware, shipment and everything.
2. How much do you need?
3. Collateral, there's no guarantee here I guess? How could people will trust to give you bitcoin or money?
Since there is a crucial economics problem in your country, it's just like double edge sword. I believe bitcoin will grow bigger in there, but this Government problem really a big deal. Where do you convert bitcoin into fiat currency? How much VEB per BTC1?
1. There are two ways of acquire the equipment.
The first one is the cheap one, with a bit more risk and i guess that with less power for mining idk? i have to check witch hardware are the one available and see the specs to know that.
But anyways, thirds persons here sell mining machines like the ones we can find on amazon or ebay, not hard at all to find it, and see if everything's ok and make it run. So, there's no need for shipment because everything you need for it can be buy it here.
The other way is the expensive one. In my city there's a legal company that sell the ''rack'' (i think that's how they call it), place where you can put maximum 5 mining device there, provided by them self. The good thing about this one, is that the company have guarantee of the product you buy, so, if something go wrong, broke, or anything, they replace it.
2. For the first one, depends on witch machine we decide to use. Can be an Ant Miner, that can worth around 1.200 usd here (original price like 500 usd, but is here so can't do so much about it..), or can be high ended video cards that can work for mining, much way easier to find here, but for this one i don't know how good can be the profits, i need to check it out on the specific model we find at the time.
The other one, provided by the legal company here, the price for each hardware to put on the rack, cost around 2.300 USD, and the profit per month is 375 USD (around that, you know how that work), so, 2.300 * 5 (maximum of hardware that can be put in on the rack) = 11.500 USD for the entire rack full. So the profit of have with the entire rack is around 1.800 USD per month (could be bit more or less).
I know this one because a brother of a close friend is doing it this way, and this is his third month with it and everything is going good on his words.
3. Yes, i know what you mean, it's hard to trust someone and even more if we are talking about money.
But first, about the government and country itself: the risk about it is that, is that if you have been found by the SEBIN (it's like the CIA or ex KGB here, intelligence division) doing mining stuffs, they first will ask you to pay them money every month till they get bored or rich. If you don't pay them, they will charge you (in this case, me) with money laundering and will go to jail. For this to happen is very very difficult, first because, the only way to find out it's having at least 50 rack in a single house, all plug in on the same electricity bill. They find out the unusual power consumption and will go to check what's happening. To be honest, 2% of probability that this happen. (The only news I've seen about it, is a guy that have been found with more than 500 hundred mining machines on a hangar (or shed, don't know).
Second, the trust is something that can be won. We live in a globalize word, we can know each other, talk every day, and see who are we dealing with. I'm a serious and educated man and i wanna make business this way with serious people, because i know after the first one decide to invest on this, and see that he can really make some good profits, he can share the word about what i'm doing and attract more people to do this with me, making everyone win.
Third, the economics problems here doesn't affect at all this kind business. There is like two company here that buy and sell bitcoin. But in my case, i don't care at all to trade bitcoins on the country currency (The Venezuelan Bolívar Fuerte), i just care about the USD (or euro lol) and having it outside here, not in my country or currency.
At last, just wanna mention, in my country, 1 USD = 14.000 VEB. The actual minimum wage is 250.531 VEB. With USD here can live very very very well (even with those crazy thing it happen here). Oh and BTW, i'm close to be an attorney, so i have a lot of knowledge of law and political situation.
I hope I've answer all your question
And thank for reply, have a good day.