
Topic: Looking for a PHP Developer to code a website that would accept bitcoin (Read 1049 times)

Activity: 42
Merit: 0
I am a PHP Developer and want to fill my Bitcoin wallet.
If you want to PM me the project outline.
If its a small project id be happy to work for bitcoins.
Activity: 980
Merit: 1020
Wrong section. Should belong in the marketplace section.
full member
Activity: 138
Merit: 100
What's the site gonna do?
Activity: 2
Merit: 0

I am looking to create a website that would accept bitcoins.

What I would need is firstly, the installation of bitcoin on the server.
And secondly, the PHP script that would handle the transactions much like a shopping cart.

If you think you can do this, please PM me.

Payment would be in bitcoins or paypal.

Thanks!  Grin
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