houstonmiller This must be related to Antoun Toubia and his UCI/UCIcoin that said that there main investment was in HydroInfra
Technologies(HIT), why do you want people to mail you instead of giving them the connection directly to UCI/UCIcoin if it
wasent for the MLM aspect that you say it isent.
https://btcjam.com/users/53276http://www.ucicoin.com/http://www.hydroinfra.com/en/Antoun Toubia has a flawless record on btcjam. 5 loans taken out, 74.15 btc borrowed 56.22 btc repayed, 30.24 btc outstanding
debt, all payments have been made on time or before due date but UCI claim there Hydro Infra Technologies global representative but that is not mentioned anywhere on HITs site.
HIT claim to have a patent in process in Sweden in the field of generating and injecting HHO gas into diesel/gasoline engine
to reduse fuel consumption and emissions, this is not a new ide, it has in fact been tested & is making the fuel ecconomy
better if the HHO can be produced efficiently & decreases CO2 & CO emissions.
The technology of splitting water by electrolysis has been around for over 100 years and using it is as addition to normal fuel
for better economy has been around for many decades so unless there is special about the patent it can already be done
profitable with excisting technology.
The Inventor behind the patent is only mentioned by first name on HIT's site and is not in the board of directors in either
of the 2 HIT companys(Organisationsnummer 556932-9658 & 556957-3537 that's a bit strange to i think.
Both companys is relatively new and hasent reported the yearly tax records.
The HIT companys is registered on an box address they share with 6 companys, none of them is currently maing any profit.
The mentioned patent number isent viewable yet on PRVs site but should be later this year.
Unless there is something special about there approach in the patent i dont see any value in HIT from a technological aspect, but there could be a value in spreading the word of what has been supressed by the energy cartells for a long time.
But if they already go down this path why dont they go the whole way and run engines entierly on
HHO/Oxyhydrogen/knallgas/Browns gas, if the electrolysis process is something like 75-80% efficient like it is with common
technolodgy today, then vehical fuel can be produced at something like 8-9% of the current cost in Sweden for example for the
equivalently energy in gasoline/diesel(and as the fuel also can be burned more efficiently the cost will likely rather be
somewhere in the 5-6% range) and you also have the advantage of zero emmisions if you run the car entierly on Browns gas so why aim at just saving a few % in fuelcost with the thing UCI/HIT is going for ?