Hello, I see a lot of people posting a bounty list but I'd like something that lists the bounties from ICOs that are actually selling a lot of tokens, anything about like that?
I may actually know some sites that are announcing the ICOs and a review, rating and status of such campaigns of a certain ICOs
I will privides the link that might helps
https://icorating.com/ this sites shows the ratings and reviews of an ICOs pertaining how good their past projects are and also the status of their current projects its free so better have a peek on it.
https://www.icohunter.net/?gclid=CjwKCAiAweXTBRAhEiwAmb3Xu9gJrLUG8wWRnR59yo6n3_7a9cQxYpmEqBfwWH-Yvwp_k-pE5S8H6hoC2I4QAvD_BwE This sites also are pertaining to ICOs Hunting and "it is a premier resource for obtaining unbiased information on current and upcoming initial coin offerings. They have gained a huge amount of experience monitoring and analyzing hundreds of ICOs at their fundraising stage. They also are dedicated to improve your understanding of the exponentially growing cryptocurrency and blockchain ecosystem.
They provide a place where you can browse a wide variety of projects, learn about the technology and creators behind them and choose the ones you want to support.
This site are requiring 1$ payment for first 3 days and 200$ monthly,
And if you are still looking for a promising and trusted ICO for a certain campaign, I may suggest you to have a look and try the Daneel.io
It's a project promoting an A.I (Artificial Intelligence) create and develop to help and guide investors in this cryptoworld. It's really a good project they all pass on my criteria.
Bounty name : [BOUNTY-NEW][ICO] 🤖 Daneel.io: The 1st A.I Created To Help Crypto Investors
Link :