Serve is on the same level as PayPal as far as it being trivially easy to do a chargeback after the bitcoins are sent.
The reason there are so few options with PayPal as payment is that PayPal expressly prohibits a merchant to use PayPal for the sale of Bitcoins.
Additionally, because the payment can be charged back easily, merchants that have some angle must charge a higher fee to do so. You are trying to exchange "soft money" for "hard money".
Your Serve debit card can be used to purchase by using VirWoX where you can buy SLL using your Serve card as a credit card, then trade SLL for BTC:
This does't help you right away, but in the future you can buy physical Bitcoin, paid for with credit card:
But quite simply, depositing cash at a bank or 7-11, Walmart, CVS is going to be the fastest and easiest way.
- (Deposit cash at any Chase or Wells Fargo. No fee)
- (Deposit at major banks, 7-11, Walmart, CVS, Moneygram, etc., or in Brazil using Boleto or Banco Recomendito, or in Russia, using Qiwi or Cyberplat.)
- (Deposit cash at several banks)
- (Deposit cash at a bank in Australia)
- (Deposit at a bank in U.S., India, Australia)
- (Purchase CashU or UKash in dozens of countries)
Or find a local trade:
All kinds of options:
If this is not stickied somewhere, I believe it probably should be.