Looking for founders for fun DAO style project which could generate thousands or perhaps many more small jobsOhoy ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls,
I am in a good mood writing this. I have not created a project campaign in many years but I feel like the time is right now.
So, please hear me out. I write specifications for services, mostly small services so far.
You know fiverr.com? Check it out if you haven't already. I am a little bit inspired by that website but I also have inspiration from countless sources such as meetup.com and many others.
So, I write the specifications, right. We then have a description for a small service for let's say 5 USD worth of Bitcoin. Actually, we could generate thousands or more specifications per year, many of which could be used over and over again.
Buyers/funders/tippers can buy, fund or tip.
Providers can provide the service.
It is in a sense easier for the providers to get started than on fiverr.com since the services are already prepackaged, so they can just browse and choose a service they want to be provide.
The services can be creative, tech, fun or funding related.
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/available-services-that-i-provide-tech-fun-buy-fund-or-tip-1001521Ways to generate resources here:
Selling advertising space
Issuing tokens
Selling memberships
I estimate that there are between tens of thousands of people and millions of people who would be interested in providing these services.
On fiverr.com you only have one buyer, but here we can have multiple buyers, funders and tippers for each service.
Ways to fund this project:
New ways which I have not thought of yet
Many smaller investors
Let me know if you're interested or have an idea about how to fund it - I would be happy to add more details. If you know who to talk to, let me know.
I am available on Skype: add user bitscript1