Don't just depend on one method of gaining refs. Try them all. Even ones that may be dated or unpopular. Just be sure to stay brand safe or whatever. Basically, it follows the lines of diversifying your revenue streams.
The signature is a great place to start as it's free advertising. Try many forums. is a bunch of assholes, but you might smoodge some refs from their bunk platform.. lol
Back in the day with my ptp sites, I would get loads of refs promoting autosurfs and manual surfs. My ptp sites accepted all unique traffic, so many newbies on my site signed up under my refs. I then got hundreds of thousands of free hits and banner impressions.
Thanks again for the hints. I appreciate it - merit send
Very rarely do I encounter such a message from the browser. It was easily blocked, so it is definitely not malware. It is very likely that it comes from one of the services with ads.
Thank you! I will check it for sure!
You'd better watch out with hiding ref links smart guy (Ref links are not allowed in posts on Bitcointalk)
I can see that this is quite new exchange and maybe it has a bright future, but unfortunately it still has a very low volume to attract traders .. Anyway, thank you for info