
Topic: Looking for great people to partecipate in a web platfrom. (Read 117 times)

Activity: 4
Merit: 0
good Day,
We are a team that is working to an online Job app/platfrom (not job managament)

The platfrom is close to homedepot and habitissimo, but of course with a special feature wich will be very succesfull keys.(hopefully a lot of different features)
We need some one who can help us to crate a SERIUS plan to insert Token ERC20 in our platform and a strong financial plan on how to handle it in the future years (5 year planning)

We need a very expert person who can help us to lead us on how to create token, diversify them, exit strategy, and how to scale the price , and in a second time to create wallets and fundation.

La piattaforma è stata studiata prima del "boom" delle crypto valute ma ora potrebbero essere un valido supporto per la stessa.
Avremmo quindi bisogno di qualcuno che collabori con noi per la stesura dei documenti tecnici e che poi coordini le operazioni relative alla Blokchain e ai token.
the platfrom was created before "crypto-boom" , and even our team it's a crypto exalted, we need a financial advisor and skilled people to handle this.
There is no salary right now, but we can evaluate tech crypto plan, or if very strong skilled a percentage of the company, to lead us in the "Crypto part" of the project.

Ci piacerebbe lavorare con persone intelligenti che vogliano sviluppare con noi questo ambizioso progetto alle quali non dire cosa devono fare , ma che ci aiutono nel loro ambito a svilupparlo.
We want to work with smart people, witch want to develop with us this very ambitious project.

I hope i make you curius about our platfrom, you can contact me in PVT send email to [email protected] or you can poke us at
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