Only a few and still lots of them hadnt been traced or been caught and jailed.This was a huge scam before because lots had invested or put up with this cloud mining site and ran away and for sure the coins that they had accumulate had already been sold part by part.
This is why people should never listen on HashOcean claims or any other promises to recover their money taken by those scammers since most provably those guys have bad intention and try to scam again those hopeful investors. And its better to move on from the past since for sure those scammers already enjoying the money of their investors and its hard for them to get traced knowing many years has past already and none of the owner has been put in jail for what they do to their investors.
We know that it cant be possible to re-open this case so people stop on digging something like this because it would never had the chance.
People should moved on and bury these things into memory and stop on stressing out yourself into this.
This was already used for scamming before and many scammers use this and now this came back again trying again to fish those people which still seeking justice on the crime they experience before. Maybe as many stated and this is always advice better for people to avoid any of this since the money lost from HashOcean will never be recover so we better move on and think forward this is a learning experience from the past which we can learn for.