The winning bidder is "Ditto" with a bid of software to be delivered before 23:59 CST (UTC-06:00) on Saturday 2015-02-07 in exchange for 0.69124 BTC.
Some key features of the agreement are:
- Tomatocage has agreed to hold the bitcoins in escrow at address: 131S5M8Fz6PCTxe4k48zJ9pwzcS89dAnvv
- DannyHamilton will be responsible for escrow fees if there are any
- If the program is delivered within 24 hours (before 6pm CST Friday), DannyHamilton will pay an extra 20%
- If the program isn't delivered in working condition by the promised time, the payment will be reduced by 20% for every 6 hours (or fraction thereof) that it is late
- If the program is discovered to be malicious in any way, Ditto will not receive any payment.
- If DannyHamilton is impressed with the readability of the program and thoroughness of the error handling, he will consider sending an additional gratuity. He is under no obligation to pay this gratuity under any circumstances and the choice to do so is entirely under his own discretion, however Ditto is under no requirement to write a readable program nor to check for any errors that haven't been described in the specification.