Should be user friendly.
A chatbox would be great and possibility to add moderators should be available.
Should be able to accomodate 50,000 users at once
Exchanger can be built from scratch or rebrand-reskin a current one.
Security should be on point.
Name your price and we shall start the discussion.
Scammers advised not to try as either SebastianJu or Ognasty will be used as escrow.
You only get paid when the job is done and testing is completed. Take it or leave it.
All applications are welcomed and respected.
If you move this topic into service board and you can find serious coders.
You may need to pay in part for modules. Because no one will be ready to get paid only after long process. If you split your work into multiple modules, you can pay for modules and in some cases you may hire multiple programmers for different modules.