You'll find a lot more that say "why it's not" but whatever...
Good luck!
That is just a typical bubble burst. There is nothing forcing it to follow that exactly. It may, but it may not.
The reason for my original comment was that this image has been posted here countless times over the last 3+ years and many people don't like to see it. Denial?
yeah I know...just that it seems to be following a me anyway in the sense that when I started mining Oct 18th 2013
I think btc was exactly $150 I figured it was a nice little hobby and maybe with the 'expected at that time' gradual difficulty
curve upward in say 7 months or so I could pay off my miner and 'gasp' perhaps even go along an pay house utils with the miner for a few
months after!
Then of course all "heck" broke loose and BTC went to 1164 or some such high in dec or something and now it is a year later and the
chart you see before you .that seems to pretty much show the somewhat ..shall we say.....'too soon' exuberance of Bitcoin
so that leaves us with the question 'flash in the pan' 'fad' what the critics say using this chart
just setting up for another cycle (crosses finger) of boom then perhaps another bust
but again from 'my perspective' from last oct 18th 2013 ...seems to me it started at $150 USD and IF I MEAN IF the above chart
has any meaning ...seems destined to try to hit that so called 'mean' of $150 usd yet again
my only hope that this is a cycle of boom/bust rather then 'dead cat bounce to oblivion" is that BTC has LEGITIMATE use espeically
overseas...I know guys from chat in Ukraine that are 'frigging thrilled' to be able to get their assets out of Crimea when Russia took over
so that is the hope....but yeah that chart above definitely gives me 'pucker problems' on holding coin ..I am doing so (52 coin) but
balls to the wall is tough don't ya know
my other fear is that if btc goes down to around $150 there will be a whole nother round of FUD by the press etc on how it is a failure
hard to get the public involved when imho you get those kinda over reactions as well
anyway again the chart is just out there ..perhaps due to my paranoid fears..but the trendline again imho is daunting
(of course dead cat bounce trendline is worse)
below chart is what I HOPE is going on with bitcoin a boom/bust (if everything is gonna be erratic with BTC I'd prefer it so in BOTH directions up and down)
guess a person really won't know till sometime in 2015 when this all plays out..either at lower $$$ or higher $$$ for BTC ....
anyway holding ...but no frigging idea if that is a brilliant strategy or not? Time will tell I guess...
then again maybe the below link is the KEY!