What is the size of your wallet.dat? has it decreased? hopefully you can compare with a recent backup..
I have an unconfirmed transaction with very low fee and i thought of double spending that transaction, i have executed -zapwallettxes instead of zapwallettxes=2. After this command i have lost all the send and receive transaction history assigned to my accounts. I have tried rescan and reindexing, still nothing in my account transactions.
Can anyone help me to recover the lost transaction history?
This is not a solution... a lot of people don't do backups often, specially now thanks to HD wallets not forcing you to make backups more often. He probably doesn't have a backup that has the private keys for the recent addresses.
If there's a bug with -zapwallettxes we must find out what happened here exactly because it's pretty scary to think the next time you use that command (which I use when I get a stuck transaction) I would lose my wallet's history.
unfortunately, I did not taken a backup there are only internal transactions in my wallet.dat now. Even the transaction hashes added to wallet but the info like account in send from is missing .. say "john" it is showing "". And some odd transactions like i didn't received with my account "mickeal" but two transactions are showing.