This time while creating a wallet, restore from your wallet's seed.
Yes. I tried (not once). Nothing changed.
Did you write down the Binance's deposit number in the transaction's description area and now you can't see this? If this is the case do you have an text or csv export / backup of the Electrum history?
No, I did not write down the deposit number. And did not create backup copies of Electrum. (I created the wallet a month ago and after carrying out two transactions I did not visit it anymore. Up to this day)
Did they give you backup codes
Yes. But I did not keep it. (Reckless act)
If this isn't their way to recover the codes currently, then does the "deposit number" here mean a transaction ID or an address on which your Binance transaction happened that also exists on your electrum's transaction history? Also do you recall the transaction amount and address for which your Binance deposit number is associated with?
Yes. Transaction Amount: 0.01032799
Wallet key: 16oi4VTqenuJSQzqaPceXfY5UPbHM1YcPv
Binance say:
"How to find your deposit address:
You can find it from withdrawal records in other exchanges account or transaction records in your wallet".
I am concerned about the absence of this particular purse number in the address book.
Was your Electrum able to connect to an Electrum server with the 'Green'
Yes. It was green. (I tried switching the server manually - nothing has changed)
Many thanks for your detailed response.