
Topic: Lost Password to my Wallet.dat / try to recover (Read 873 times)

Activity: 3
Merit: 0
November 25, 2016, 05:33:06 AM

thank you for the answers. I will experiment with the btcrecover tool.
I have got it already running on my PC. It seems to be quite powerful.
hero member
Activity: 672
Merit: 504
a.k.a. gurnec on GitHub
If you'd like to try to recover it yourself, here's the Quick Start for the open source (free) tool btcrecover: It does take a bit of work to get it set up and running, though. (Full disclosure: I'm the author of that tool.)

If you have any questions about it, just let me know.

Although I've never dealt with Dave @ walletrecoveryservices personally, he's gotten nothing but good reviews from what I can tell, so that seems like a good option too.

In either case you'll need to have a good idea of what's in your password.
Activity: 2786
Merit: 1031
If someone can help is this guy here:

Good luck.
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
Hi all,

I wonder if someone could help. It seems so I have lost my password to my Bitcoin Core Wallet.
I have tried to use the Power Shell Script below:

I got the Bitcoin Server running on my Laptop, it also prompts me for a password.
But as soon as I run the script below it gives the "Internal Server Error" message.

Could someone please advise?

# Powershell.exe -executionpolicy remotesigned -File C:\Users\admin\Desktop\BTC_password.ps1

# Startup Bitcoin Daemon
# cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Bitcoin\daemon\
# bitcoind.exe -daemon
# bitcoin-cli -getbalance

# Start BTC_password
# cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Bitcoin\daemon\
# Powershell.exe -executionpolicy remotesigned -File BTC_password.ps1

# http://localhost:8332/
# C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Bitcoin\bitcoin.conf

# Bitcoin encrypted wallet somewhat-brute-force-recovery.
# Also works for litecoins probably (untested).
# By Rahazan
# Originally created for veryveryinteresting (VVI)
# My first ever powershell script, by the way.
# Pardon any convention I broke in this language (for I did not study any conventions of this language).

# Recovered your coin     using this? Consider a donation to   #
# the AI student who scripted this :)                          #
# Donations BTC:    1FkXY2WVG9X4WqVuKdrSrX64ZTj9HgG34U         #
# Donations LTC:    LKdLS4seKpE2MNmt4t618oZV7v7tNkD6zL         #

# How does it work?

# This script creates every possible combination in a depth-first order.
# After this it tries all of these. On my crappy laptop it achieved ~ 5 attempts per second.

# How do I use this?

# - Edit the values in the next block of this script to your likings, make sure you set your RPC password & username.
# - Run the daemon service found in Bitcoin\daemon  (bitcoind.exe)
# - Run this script (save as SOMENAME.ps1 and right click -> run with PowerShell.
# (To run it you might have to change some settings regarding allowing PowerShell scripts to run.. Google this.)
# (Press CTRL+C to cancel if you wish to stop it.)
# - Grab a cup of coffee as it tries a gazillion combinations.
# - Get your coin back.
# - Maybe donate a portion? ;)
# - DELETE THIS SCRIPT (Shred it!). It holds way too valuable information about your password!

#Values you will probably want to set!
#Please note that the more free you make these variables, computation time will increase by A LOT.

# Min/Max length of your password (included! so min:1 max: 3 would allow password length 1 but also length 3)
# So if you know the length, these should both be the same number.
[int] $global:minLength = 10
[int] $global:maxLength = 16

#Word list
$wordsList = @("password","Password","passworD")
[int] $numWords = 1 #Amount of times one of these word blocks can exist in your pass

#Symbol list
$symbolList = @(".","!","..","..!","...")
[int] $numSymbols = 1 #Amount of times one of these symbol blocks can exist in your pass

#Number list
$numberList = @("111","222","3","4") #Possible numbers, do not have to be single numbers. For instance it could be just "22" if you know you have that in your pass somewhere with numNumbers 1
[int] $numNumbers = 1 #Amount of times one of these number blocks can exist in your pass

#Option to print when adding a possibility to the list of possibilities.
#Consider making this false, it might make it somewhat faster (especially for very long passwords with small "blocks" in the lists.
$verbose = $TRUE

# Please put the correct RPC username/password below
$h = new-object Net.WebClient
$h.Credentials = new-object Net.NetworkCredential("bitcoinrpc","4WPKLxcsfewMAJpPb6jNLEVPgRvWCTYPMjqNMucg43gQ")
$h.Encoding = [Text.Encoding]::Default
# Above "Default" works for original encryption from the command line
# Change to "UTF8" when the GUI was used to encrypt (Was not necessary when tested -Rahazan)

[string[]]  $global:allPossibilities = @() #Empty array, you can manually add possibilities if you want (that you think will not be generated by the algorithm).

# Time to create an array of all the possibilities! No need to change anything past this point.

# Algorithm is next, it recursively builds the array of all possibilities.

Function generateAllPossibilities([string]$wordSoFar, $wordsList, $symbolList, $numberList, [int]$numWords, [int]$numSymbols, [int]$numNumbers)
    #Base case: Length of the created pass is too big, no need to further explore this node, go up one step in the tree.
if ($wordSoFar.length -gt $global:maxLength) {
        #Too long! Done with this branch!

   #Add the word to the possibilities if the right length
if ($wordSoFar.length -gt $global:minLength) {
$global:allPossibilities += $wordSoFar
if ($numWords -gt 0) {#Have not added max amount of words to this possibility yet.
        for ($i=0;$i -lt $wordsList.length; $i++) {
      generateAllPossibilities ($wordSoFar+$wordsList[$i]) $wordsList $symbolList $numberList ($numWords-1) $numSymbols $numNumbers
if ($numSymbols -gt 0) {#Have not added max amount of symbols to this branch yet.
for ($i=0;$i -lt $symbolList.length; $i++) {
      generateAllPossibilities ($wordSoFar + $symbolList[$i]) $wordsList $symbolList $numberList ($numSymbols-1) $numNumbers

if ($numNumbers -gt 0) {#Have not added max amount of nums to this branch yet.
for ($i=0;$i -lt $numberList.length; $i++) {
      generateAllPossibilities ($wordSoFar + $numberList[$i] ) $wordsList $symbolList $numberList $numWords $numSymbols ($numNumbers-1)


[string]$wordsofar = ""

Write-Host "Generating all possibilities, may take a long time depending on the amount + size of the \"blocks\" you have given !"

#Calling the algorithm (function) above to fill the list!
generateAllPossibilities $wordSoFar $wordsList $symbolList $numberList $numWords $numSymbols $numNumbers

Write-Host "DONE Generating!"
Write-Host "Note: There seems to be a slight bug, about 1 in 100 of these strings break the rules (for instance 2 symbols where numSymbols was 1).. don't know why."
Write-Host "Will be printing all possibilities now:"

Write-Host $global:allPossibilities

Write-Host "===================="
Write-Host "Amount to be tested:"  $global:allPossibilities.length
Write-Host "Starting bruteforce!"
Write-Host "===================="
# Time to start trying them one by one!

$i = 0

# Somewhat altered code by 2112 -> from
$global:allPossibilities | foreach {
    try {
        $p = $_
        if ($i%4 -eq 0) {
            Write-Host "   '$p' " $i "/" $global:allPossibilities.length
        else {
         Write-Host "   '$p'" -nonewline
        $r = $h.UploadString('http://localhost:8332/','{"method":"walletpassphrase","params":["'+$p+'",1]}')
        # Write-Output $r
        Write-Output "Correct password found!"
        Write-Output "'$p'"
    catch [Net.WebException] {
        $e = $_
        switch -wildcard ($e.Exception.Message) {
             "*(401) Unauthorized*" {
                  Write-Output "Fix the user/pass!"
             "*(500) Internal Server Error*" {
             default {
                  $e | Format-List -Force
# Exiting without success!
Write-Output "===================="

Write-Output "Exiting!"

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