What if a group of LTC-GLOBAL moderators self-organized and formed a company that provided contractual advice services to people trying to get listed on BTC-TC and/or LTC-GLOBAL? It would, essentially, be a small group of LTC-GLOBAL moderators who, for a small fee, would analyze a contract and come up with a list of (standard) criteria that they would want to see before they would approve the security. Of course, such a group of people would not be the only moderators capable of clearing a security. Any asset issuer would be free to try to list without the services of said fictional group.
But for those interested in paying a
And possibly providing other services such as
Of course, buying such a service would not guarantee that you would get cleared for listing. Members would be free to vote as they see fit. I'm sure their paycheque from the company wouldn't influence their decision at all.
I have no intention or desire to set something like this up, but I have set up something similar for GLBSE actually. I'm just wondering what burnside (and other LTC-GLOBAL) moderators think of the idea.
You can always go with other bitcoin exchanges and talk to the owners on IRC