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To understand who/what lulzsec/gn0sis are/is you need to understand where they came from. Everything
originates from the *chan (4chan/711chan/etc.) culture. This internet subculture is pretty much the
dregs of the internet. It's a culture built around the anonymity of the internet. If your anonymous
no one can find you. No one can hurt you, so your invincable. The problem with this idealogy, is it's
on the internet. The internet by definition is not anonymous. Computers have to have attribution.
If you trace something back far enough you can find its origins. So let's give a brief event timeline
on how these groups got together:
1. Anonymous rises up from 4chan against CoS.
2. Anonymous starts DDoSing stuff.
3. Various lower level hacking groups get involved.
4. Anonymous stagnates for a while.
5. Uprisings in the world Attract Anonymous.
6. ProjectPM Looser Barrett Brown becomes mouth piece of Anon.
7. Anonymous shifts focus toward "Worldy" Affairs.
8. Aaron Barr desides he's tired of his job and targets Anon.
9. gn0sis (Uncommon) comes out of no where and releases the Gawker data.
10. gn0sis teams up with anon hackers with all the OP
11. gn0sis (nigg, eekdacat, uncommon, kayla, lauralie) and sabu (from OP Anon shit) hack HBGary.
12. This is where Topiary comes in. They all form lulzsec to be "hacktivists".
13. Lulzsec (now a mix of gn0sis and opanon people) hack SONY and other stuff.
The problem with Lulzsec/gn0sis's "Hacktivist" mantra is that they lack the skills to keep it going.
As such after SONY they couldn't get into anything. So they switched their focus to just releasing
random crap that didn't mean anything. Then they started running out of things they could hack. So
they put out requests for people to join them. That got them a few hits, and now they've switched
their gears again to be "ANTI-SEC". Whether or not this was an attempt at bring other groups out of
the shadows (el8, h0no, zf0, etc), you can only speculate. But as of this writing: 6/24/2011 Sabu
and Topiary are the only two people updating the twitter and releasing shit. Kayla is MIA. The
gn0sis kids are gone in hiding somewhere.
From what we've seen these lulzsec/gn0sis kids aren't really that good at hacking. They troll the internet
and search for sqlinjection vulnerabilities as well as Remote File Include/Local File Include bugs. Once
found they try to download databases or pull down usernames and passwords. Their releases have nothing
to do with their goals or their lulz. It's purely based on whatever they find with their "google hacking"
queries and then release it.
What's funny to us is that these kids are all "Anti-Sec" yet by releasing their hacks they are forcing these
companies to have to hire security professionals which keeps the Security Industry that they are trying to
expose and shut down, in business. I guess they will realise that later in life when they get out of skid
So we've been tracking and infiltrating these kids since the gawker hack. We have the D0x (as they call it)
on everyone except Sabu and Kayla. First we'll go with the kid who did the gawker hack: Uncommon.
The whole thing is at Oh my http://pastebin.com/iVujX4TR