I'm quite sure it's the right person as his account is directly involved in official luno channel discussions in a very crystal clear way. ( and of course i refused to give him my password, in any case. )
I'm willing to bet is not the real one, how about we make sure if you contacted the right guy?
Leave the Facebook profile link here, simple as that, I suppose you don't have and I don't see any reasons why you would object to this, right?
, i carefully read the FAQs and the documentation on the Luno Website
You forget the part of the up to 14 days before enabling withdrawals for certain countries and tiers, and the part where the amount is available for withdrawal only 3 days after the payment from the bank has been cleared.
Since they asked you about the drive I'm pretty sure you've connected to the account yourself, since they saw different IPs on a brand new account, of course, it was instantly flagged.