I was wondering what he was doing in Bucharest
https://www.sie.ro/rcd2015/index.htmlWelcome to the home page of the 3rd Edition of the International Conference “Romanian Cryptology Days”. RCD 2015 is organized by Foreign Intelligence Service in partnership with The Romanian Academy, and will be held in Bucharest at the Romanian Academy Library.
Our aim is to bring together specialists from academia, government and industry in all aspects of cryptology.
Copyright © 2015 SIE.ro. Toate drepturile rezervate
Invited Speakers
Jasvir Nagra, Google, "Building a false-positive free scanner for reproducible web vulnerabilities"
Viktor Galliard, Galliard Engineering, "Device-independent security vs. trust"
Patrick Schaller, ETH Zurich, "Security Challenges for Modern Web-Applications"
Mike Hearn, Vinumeris, "Challenges in securing digital cash"
Tudor Dumitras, University of Maryland, "Vulnerability disclosure in the age of social media: Exploiting Twitter for predicting real-world exploits”
Incze Arpad, 1 Decembrie 1918 University of Alba Iulia, "Socio-economical aspects of cyber criminality. Education against cyber crime"
Copyright © 2015 SIE.ro. Toate drepturile rezervate