If you guys didn't get the memo Claymore has a new dual miner for eth+pasc, which is why pasc has been hit so hard. Unless someone improves the Nvidia miner, it's pretty much dead.
480s are earning just as much dual mining as 1070s are just mining normally. -_-
Dual mining eats a lot of energy for RX 480, no ? Not everyone can afford to do that.
At $.1kwh you definitely can. That's average power cost in the US. People are trying to save $.05 on power for $.4 worth of revenue. The relationship between mining income and efficiency isn't linear. Meaning if you use 50 less watts, 100 vs 150watts, it doesn't mean you're 33% more efficient as the cost of power isn't the same as the amount of hash you're trading off.
It's weird, everyone seems to be about efficiency, but no one looks at the actual revenue. Equihash is weird because it runs well even at low clock speeds (and TDP), most algos aren't that way. Unless you have really expensive power, you're going to earn less, that's all on a case by case basis and something you need to calculate yourself though.
Equihash is the ONLY '100watt' 1070 algo, otherwise a 480 uses about the same amount of electricity. It's also has quite a bit less computational power, which is where a 1070 should be acceling at... but it's not right now, either because kernels aren't developed or what it's good at there are too many of us (Nvidia miners) to support.
Guessing too many people picked fights in AMD threads about how efficient Nvidia is, convinced too many others to change sides, and then sunk the ship from the extra weight.
I would definitely trade a $400 video card for a $200 one, and make the same profit. I haven't bought a new 1070 in a few months... I'm saving money, waiting for vega, and seeing what I should do.
1070s and 1060s currently aren't worth it. A 1060 is the easy out option, it's still inferior to buying 480s. ASICs are also a option which are much more stable and ROI is about the same now.
Zpool always takes 20-30% of your earnings, so you have to reduce that.
24 hours estimates differences between zpool and yiimp.
20-30% lower estimates. Isn't zpool using the same software as yiimp? Why are the estimates so different..?
Hashrate and pool luck is what is causing that. The '20-30%' zpool takes wont show up on the pool, you'll simply get paid less. So take the 'actual' amount the pool paid in the last 24hr and then compare it to how much you got paid, that's where you see the 20-30% difference. Taking your pool reported hashrate and multiplying it by the pool 'actual' payrate should give you your actual revenue... and it doesn't with zpool.