I think that the fact that the topic title is still grammatically incorrect says it all.
SAT is not looking for serious investors. If it was, it wouldn't make these unprofessional mistakes. Never. And if it did, it would fix it ASAP.
I may not be a big SAT holder (so I don't care that much) but out of sheer interest I have started following this thread, and I can't say I see any light on the horizon. If even a simple thing like a topic title can't be fixed in a reasonable amount of time, scaring of any serious investor, you can't just look away. You can't start talking about crap like having a community vote about it. It just has to be fixed. NOW. If you really want a different title, vote on it. But fix that dumb mistake first. It's costing you potential users and investors every single day.
My confidence in these... "devs"... in combination with the way this "community" treats people who actually raise some intelligent questions has led me to the conclusion that this coin is probably going to die. That is, if you can call 2 satoshis "alive". SAT is on life support and it looks like the doctors have given up hope. If I was a big bagholder at this moment, I would probably just take my losses and try and cash out something.
I would start praying that Mintpal sets up a SAT/LTC pair soon, you might get some speculators who are willing to toss a few LTC at it...
For the record, I am not a troll. I just seriously hope someone is going to pick up the glove and try to actually make something of this coin.
Feel free to flame me, call me whatever the hell you want if you think that's the best way to invest your time and energy. I'm not the one holding a gigantic bag of useless crypto after all!
Good luck SAT coin, you'll need it.