Thing is this project would have a very hard start. At first yes, you need to calculate all sorts of variables, take into account news and asses if they may be true or fake, use 2 quantum computers to grind the numbers (exaggerating to make a point) but would really work for 1 user. And would be a hell of a project if it achieved 75% accuracy or somewhere in that ballpark.
But once the project would reach a critical number of users the "Bitcoin Wall Observer AI" would just turn into a HYIPE IMO.
If the AI says BTC will increase in price the users will start buying and price would actually increase. If the AI says BTC will go down 20% users will sell and it will decrease in price (how close to the speculated 20% is unknown but users will still think it works). This is why I would say it could be ground breaking if it's used by a handful of users and could just as well be done in notepad(not even ++) at a certain point.
Wish you all the best and I'll be throwing a look at future development info
P.S thanks for the article @hatshepsut93 , very interesting read