This Macron guy thinks he is napoleon bonaparte I told france not to vote him in power and now look they wish they never voted for this stupid person..
He may be as short as Bonaparte but the testosterone level is different
I told you all many years ago that the EU was building an EU army and then would threaten many nations with war and one nation would be the USA and then that would put is in a mega war..
Oh boy don't worry, Germany needs a new army, Italian and Spanish are sleeping, French will surrender on the first minute as always...
Now to the USA you must wipe out the EU space agency..DANGER Macron made threats to the USA after the USA dying for france in 2 WW ..
Well USA dying for France, lol. USA wouldn't ever be evolved in the war even if the whole European town would be erased. Thanks to the tora boys attacking Pearl harbor for waking up the beast.
To the USA get ready for WAR with the EU.. I am with the USA my families live there and i like the YANKS better more the same people than the EU ..
Get ready for a training match before the real battle vs the east
The EU like getting run by DICTATORS we in the UK and USA don't.. so get ready for WAR why because you threatened the USA..
Oh please, UK and USA are governed by the same bunch of people coming from the same parties with the same ideas and agendas. The exception was made only by Trump, where Americans got pissed off and voted for a clown to entertain the masses...
Oh please, UK and USA are governed by the same bunch of people coming from the same parties with the same ideas and agendas.
YES and that is me my ideas THANKS.. KILL DICTATORS ALL OF THEM ..
Get ready for a training match before the real battle vs the east ..OK i will train my finger to press a button BOOM.. More die on our streets than in the ARMY
So we are already trained up us street children..
In the end, around 4,000,000 soldiers were mobilized and 116,708 American military personnel died during World War 1 from all causes ..
I still thinks france owe a thank you to the USA pearl harbor was later on ..
But no typical EUROPEAN thinks populism is wrong meaning say nothing to the elite and guess what you didn't say nothing to the elite because they shot you for not going over the hill a human cull for the MACRON TYPES in life..
The exception was made only by Trump, where Americans got pissed off and voted for a clown to entertain the masses.
He is not a clown he is the GREAT ONE who speaks with the average joes tongue not long words that don't mean anything just good old
this is how we do it dip shits and things get done not we gotta have a lot of hope and still hoping 50 years later while along the rich politicians get richer and the poor get nothing at least with a job you can save and try and do your own business ..
£100 SAVED UP EVERY WEEK means 5k a year x by 10 50k for a type of business start up..Start saving up at 18 your only 28 with 50k business starter..
But must have willing parents to let you live with them till your 28 years old and have determination to save no partying smoking drinking ..
And this is how some make it in life and still you could save all that money up and you be the one that loses it all rather than someone else and that's why i say in life you need LUCK but must make your luck to be lucky in someway..
And that's what MR TRUMP as give the black USA PEOPLES and they should be thankful NOT with the DEMS no chance they love poor people means they get a vote for
the word HOPE no jobs just hope and a nice way of speaking..
REMEMBER SCAMMERS ARE NICE that's how they scam you not with TRUMPS he does stuff like jobs is everything ..No jobs then no money then no money then life is poo.
Forget the posh way of talk if all in the past the posh way of talk would of got us somewhere then we would all vote for it BUT posh talk means rip the poor off with money
Well not money but life clock work while the rich pay no taxes..