Well of course not! But the media reports -> "that it was stated but can't be verified" and a sane person can think himself about it being true or not.
It's not the function of the media to censore parts of the picture "just because they don't think its true". This is dictatorship btw.
What if a tv station will air some news that Macron has hit his wife, police has been called for domestic violence at their home and she died at hospital because of the wounds ?
Thee will be no time for a disclaimer, there will be no time for the "real" truth to be heard.
The tv station willl pay a fee which Putin will gladly cover and Le Pen will be the next president.
The blackout is normal for any emergency situations and for things where fake stuff or rumors might influence bigger things.
A sane person wouldn't believe stuff like that. It would be nice that the average citizen in France has the right to know the truth about the "wannabe communist Macron" with his 90year old wife.