Anyway congrats for being an early investor of nxt.
Thanks ashapasa
Here you can find my initial reasons:
In summary I started investing because of the 100% Proof Of Stake architecture making it much more secure network against a 51% attack than bitcoin as well as offer much cheaper transactions.
I also liked very much that they got completely rid of inflation.
Since then I learned that no inflation is not desirable as bills for development and marketing need to get payed by all coinholders, and not just those that donate, and thus inflation is the only way to achieve this if you want to continue to offer a low fee network.
My initital scepticism that they were shooting too broad trying to offer decentralised money, as well as decentralised asset exchange, messaging, marketplace, monetary system etc proved valid. Only the asset exchange took off and even that gets undermined by the devs with the new nxt 2.0 proposal by devaluing nxt currency and the assets therefore indirectly too.
I think the future for NXT is indeed Ardor, offering people an easy way to setup their own cryptocurrency or decentralised application, and could be very successful if they focus on it.
Lisk and all its variations are based on nxt. Ardor is nxt2.0 and it offers more than the original nxt1.0. That will give it a bigger market cap than lisk. Lisk can't compete with Ardor because Ardor has superior practical applications from its high performance tech.