I think we are in a bubble. I think there is going to be a huge crash soon (1-2months), with 1BTC = $100
So right now, I'm HODLING, and I'm poised waiting for the Bitcoin Black Monday
So why you don't shotr now and buy back in 2 months?
If you could afford it, invest a little, don't go crazy.
For those who are PM how im spread . I like cover every possible angel, to prevent major losses. (I sold 90% of my BTC back on early December, and keeper the FIAT)
What I have:I have 10
BTC in Holding value at current rate around $6.5k USD. This is Plan B, this is to protect me just in case it Goes UP. (if it goes down, I would loose on Plan B)
Then I have,
BTC and $6950 USD in FIAT inside my Favorite market BTC-e.
And Finally,
I have 25
BTC inside Coinbase, just in case if I need to Dump because its High or Low.