No. Last two Sundays indeed featured a minor crash each, but there was also a crash on the Friday in between the two. Also, three Sundays ago there was no crash - in fact, there was a small rally, followed by a dump on Monday.
And don't start invoking time zones, because even if you force some data points to fit your failed theory, you loose the other two.
There once was a huge boulder, perched precariously, on the edge of a cliff. For hundreds of
years this boulder was there, rocking and swaying, but always keeping its balance just perfectly.
But one year, there happened to be a sever windstorm; severe enough it was, to topple the
boulder from its majectic height and dash it to the bottom cf the cliff, far far below. Needless to
say, the boulder was smashed into many pieces. Where it hit, the ground was covered with a
carpet of pebbles--some small and some large--but pebbles and pebbles and more pebbles for
as far as you could walk in an hour.
One day, after all this, a young man by the name of Ichabod happened on the area. Being a
fellow of keen mind and observational powers, naturally he was quite astounded to see so many
stones scattered so closely on the ground. Now Ichabod was very much interested in the nature
of things, and he spent the whole afternoon looking at pebbles, and measuring the size of
pebbles, and feeling the weight of pebbles, and just pondering about pebbles in general.
He spent the night there, not wanting to lose this miraculous find, and awoke the next morning full
of enthusiasm. He spent many days on his carpet of stones.
Eventually he noticed a very strange thing. There were three rather large stones on the carpet
and they formed a triangle--almost (but not quite) equilateral. He was amazed. Looking further
he found four very white stones that were arranged in a lopsided square. Then he saw that by
disregarding one white stone and thinking of that grey stone a foot over instead, it was a perfect
square! And if you chose this stone, and that stone, and that one, and that one and that one
you have a pentagon as large as the triangle. And here a small hexagon. And there a square
partially inside of the hexagon. And a decagon. And two triangles inter-locked. And a circle.
And a smaller circle within the circle. And a triangle within that which has a red stone, a grey
stone and a white stone.
Ichabod spent many hours finding many designs that became more and more complicated as his
powers of observation grew with practice. Then he began to log his designs in a large leather
book; and as he counted designs and described them, the pages began to fill as the sun
continued to return.