Avoid speculations:most people trade only out of vague expectations or will I call it hope,this network has risen far above faceless speculations except of course one is a soothsayer,excitements such as that more often than not leads to crashes and huge loses incured
I would not refer to speculation as vague expectations. Speculation is to make an inference based on inconclusive evidence, And that's the basic of trading and investing in cryptocurrencies. Except you are a whale, you have no influence on future situations and can only analyse (technically and foundamentallt) and predict.
Peer influence:this plays a particularly large role in trading,though on a small scale,much of peer influence trading is more or less a speculative one,as they are actually hoping not to miss out in the next "bitcoin rise"..so most times decisions taken are usually correlated to those of their peers..
That's right. Make decisions based on your research and conclusions, you can consider opinions of others when reaching a conclusion, but don't take recommendations and suggestions, even from crypto influencers. Always DYOR.