Aqui esta un proyecto, llamado bitcoin central, homonimo del portal.
Es el unico que conozco.
Bueno estoy probando ese en un servidor local me he tomado la libertad de hacer modificaciones el manual de instalacion es insuficiente para Ubuntu 11 y aqui pongo la instalacion correcta por si alguno quiero probarlo y no perder el tiempo.
sudo apt-get install python-dev python-all-dev
sudo apt-get install libqrencode-dev
Install the bundler rubygem, it will easily manage and compile all the other dependencies
$ sudo gem install bundler
Fork project if relevant
Check out sources with git
$ git clone
Get into the sources directory
Register in github and add you SSH key to the system like say in:
After that exit of root and login again
$ cd bitcoin-central
Compile and install the required dependencies
$ bundle
Log-in to MySQL console and run the following commands. If you are installing a production machine you'll obviously need to pick different credentials. Update the config/database.yml file accordingly.
mysql -uroot -pHere_Your_Password
> CREATE DATABASE `bitcoin-bank_development`;
> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `bitcoin-bank_development`.* TO 'rails'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'rails';
Run a couple of rake tasks (omit the RAILS_ENV option if you're setting up a development environment, Rails will grab the database configuration in the config/database.yml file under the right section (development, test, or production)
$ rake
$ rake db:migrate
$ rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
Edit config/bitcoin.yml to be able to connect your instance to a bitcoin client, the config/bitcoin.yml file contents are self-explanatory, just add a production section if you're deploying on a production server.
You're good to go! Run the rails server
$ rails s
Your fresh instance should now be running on http://localhost:3000/ !
Pero lo veo muy basico sin administracion de usuarios a no ser que lo hagas con MYSQL
Si alguno le gustaria probar y comentarnos seria interesante