Qatar (pop: 1,757,540): 44,971,500,000 QAR = 12,352,771,620USD (631USD/BTC)
Norway (pop: 5,052,800): 101,976,000,000 NOK = 18,149,076,624USD (864USD/BTC)
Hong Kong (pop: 7,103,700): 273,959,000,000HKD=35,349,477,688USD (1683USD/BTC)
This is interesting. I wasn't aware that Bitcoin M0 was already so higher in aggregated price than those of some governmental currencies like the ISK.
Does anyone know a place with a ranking of countries per M0? It would be nice to see where Bitcoin is in such ranking. I still see some people arguing that Bitcoin is "not serious enough to be called money... it's only used by junkies, come on!".