As I'm currently in college and studying marketing, I instantly clicked and wanted to give you some solid tips. Then I saw your trust rating and there's no way, why would we help out a scammer with enough money for free.
You shouldn't be asking for advice for free when you normally have to hire a marketing agency/consultant to do this.
If you wan't to be taken seriously and be helped I'd start a new account or something because with that trust rating no one is going to take you seriously.
If you were a newbie and needed actual help I'd do it right away but what you are doing right now is not right.
Good luck with your project
The first thing I can suggest is to get your website in order, the website serves as a center of information once it is up and running smoothly, which frees up the time to focus on other marketing needs.
I could spend all day seeing how people use our websites to get to know them. Google analytics is my favorite tool.
It is important to know your SEO, but it is also a very deep rabbit hole. Most of the time, you could dive into optimizing and understanding it, but essentially, this is just 1 marketing facet. Content is king, write articles and post them on your website page, look for popular questions in your field to answer, so that you show up as people check.
Do you know that write on the topic where the last post was written 6 months ago? It's easy to know, just read the previous post.
Second thing, thread opener user game-protect is banned, so there is no reason to try to communicate with him. You can check it here
Next, if you look at his trust rating, you know we mostly ignore users like him.
finally, at the top of this page, you can see a red warning. it’s certainly not pointlessly placed there.
If you want to discuss SEO, or whatever, pen your topic in the proper section, and talk about that.