
Topic: Mason Town: A Town for Bitcoin & the Future (Read 5212 times)

sr. member
Activity: 378
Merit: 325
October 08, 2013, 05:35:15 AM
Do it, dreamers.
sr. member
Activity: 350
Merit: 250
It is a very interesting idea Finshaggy, I'll give you that,
Although I was put off by the end of the first paragraph and I'll tell you why.

You want 200 people to invest money into this project, so therefore 200 people should get a say in certain aspects of the idea. The fact that you already have chosen the name for the town without even taking a vote already shows me what kind of a leader you would be. I wouldn't want to live in a community like that, especially if i contributed the same amount as the other 199 people towards starting it...

hero member
Activity: 526
Merit: 508
My other Avatar is also Scrooge McDuck
Finshaggy; I'm very sorry to hear about your loss. It must be a hard time for you.

But please; Stop this nonsense. You're not helping yourself or the memory of your brother by continuing down this ultra-statist path.

I urge you to read up on voluntaryism... There is a reason that Elwar posted all those quotes of you above; because bitcoiners are all about freedom and you are suggesting a whooooooooooooooole lot of anti-freedom in your town.

That's not cool. In fact, it's communistic, the opposite of what bitcoin stands for.

If you would like some sources to start reading about voluntaryism, there are thousands to choose from; just ask.
Activity: 4424
Merit: 4794
CURRENCY - accepted by a local population EG PRISONERS accept cigarettes, PEOPLE accept firewood as a means of exchange in small area's of northern canada, fish in alaska.. many things are a currency and known/allowed by government as a means of exchange BETWEEN PEOPLE.

LEGAL TENDER - the dominant currency the government oversea's owns and uses for the OFFICIAL purposes of tax, government/banking debt, wages..
EG you cant pay your bank overdraft with a plate of fish, firewood, vodka or bitcoins. you cant pay courtfines in bitcoins..

in las vegas i can go to a casino get some poker chips and use those at the bar, pay the hotel etc, poker chips are a CURRENCY.  they are not the legal tender of NEVADA...

full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
Also, BTW (firstly, franky you are on ignore, and) now that Bitcoin has been declared legal tender, we can no longer be a haven for any kind of debtor.

And I still have over 100 videos to make about how the town will operate. So there is SO much left to talk about.

legal tender?HuhHuhHuhHuhHuhHuhHuh

lol in which country is it now the dominant and government preferred method of paying??

you certainly are losing the trust in being a project leader of anything, with each post you write..

Legal tender just means it is legally a currency of value. America declared it a REAL currency. So it is "legal tender", unlike Litecoins or WoW Gold for example.

legal tender is the currency owned/used/prefered by the government of that country to pay wages, taxes, debts.

take the euro.. a real currency.. it is LEGAL TENDER in europe but not LEGAL TENDER in USA...

so although america recognise EURO's as a currency, they do not class it as legal tender.. so again what country recognises Bitcoin as LEGAL tender, as oppose to just a currency.

No, here is the defintion:
coins or banknotes that must be accepted if offered in payment of a debt

Here is the ruling

Bitcoin ARE digital coins. And you can pay for rent, phone bills, books, games, services and more.

So it is a legal tender. Not the official currency of any nation. But a legal tender for debts both public and private... So I'm putting you back on ignore.
Activity: 4424
Merit: 4794
Also, BTW (firstly, franky you are on ignore, and) now that Bitcoin has been declared legal tender, we can no longer be a haven for any kind of debtor.

And I still have over 100 videos to make about how the town will operate. So there is SO much left to talk about.

legal tender?HuhHuhHuhHuhHuhHuhHuh

lol in which country is it now the dominant and government preferred method of paying??

you certainly are losing the trust in being a project leader of anything, with each post you write..

Legal tender just means it is legally a currency of value. America declared it a REAL currency. So it is "legal tender", unlike Litecoins or WoW Gold for example.

legal tender is the currency owned/used/prefered by the government of that country to pay wages, taxes, debts.

take the euro.. a real currency.. it is LEGAL TENDER in europe but not LEGAL TENDER in USA...

so although america recognise EURO's as a currency, they do not class it as legal tender.. so again what country recognises Bitcoin as LEGAL tender, as oppose to just a currency.
full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
So are you out of derailing troll subjects, or are you going to think of more now?
full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
Also, BTW (firstly, franky you are on ignore, and) now that Bitcoin has been declared legal tender, we can no longer be a haven for any kind of debtor.

And I still have over 100 videos to make about how the town will operate. So there is SO much left to talk about.

legal tender?HuhHuhHuhHuhHuhHuhHuh

lol in which country is it now the dominant and government preferred method of paying??

you certainly are losing the trust in being a project leader of anything, with each post you write..

Legal tender just means it is legally a currency of value. America declared it a REAL currency. So it is "legal tender", unlike Litecoins or WoW Gold for example.
Activity: 4424
Merit: 4794
Also, BTW (firstly, franky you are on ignore, and) now that Bitcoin has been declared legal tender, we can no longer be a haven for any kind of debtor.

And I still have over 100 videos to make about how the town will operate. So there is SO much left to talk about.

legal tender?HuhHuhHuhHuhHuhHuhHuh

lol in which country is it now the dominant and government preferred method of paying??

you certainly are losing the trust in being a project leader of anything, with each post you write..
full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
October 07, 2013, 06:53:01 PM
Also, BTW (firstly, franky you are on ignore, and) now that Bitcoin has been declared legal tender, we can no longer be a haven for any kind of debtor.

And I still have over 100 videos to make about how the town will operate. So there is SO much left to talk about. But I have it all written down, and will be making the new videos, as well as remaking old ones soon. Just so we have a complete database of updated videos.
Activity: 4424
Merit: 4794
October 07, 2013, 06:49:22 PM
move away from the naming ceremony and get back to planning on water, gas and electric instalation.

before a brick is laid, well actually before land is even bought you need to work out where the basics are going to come from.

lets take water for instance:

is it going to come from nearby rivers,
your video on spend 2 seconds saying the water will come from a lake or rain, then your brain fart got too excited talking about end results such as alcohol and biodiesel etc...

what planning permission do you need to divert a river/stream/lake onto the supposed land (any conservation permits due to ecological changes resulting from taking water from a natural habitat such as a lake), what construction/equipment will you need to filter the water to make it initially clean enough to mix with building cement etc, after all you dont want frogs legs and fish tails, tadpoles or frog eggs mixed in with your mortar..

if you think that getting this is easy then you can look at the piping to distribute the water to each 'plot'. what kind of materials you need for that and planning permission.

same with internet/phone/electrical cabling..

once you know this stuff.. then you can start looking for an adequate area to purchase.

EG downhill from a water source to give natural flow (cheaper then buying in pumps to pump a river uphill)
flat area's for building and farming...
full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
October 07, 2013, 06:38:42 PM
main paragraphs to research and change, due to lack of knowledge on the part of finshaggy

Lol, the lack of knowledge is actually on Franky's part. And it is due to lack of reading or watching the videos plainly available in the first post.
. but you do not show very much knowledge about the realities of the world/infrustructure/ basic requirements/ laws/ policies/ permits etc

That's because:

1. I haven't finished making the videos, so it is impossible for me to have told you everything so far
2. My brother died, so things slowed down, but everything will still be made. Videos and all.
full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
October 07, 2013, 06:36:25 PM
I had the epiphany that though this will be a "Village" by legal New Mexico standards, we will call it a "Polis" to assert our independence.
Activity: 4424
Merit: 4794
main paragraphs to research and change, due to lack of knowledge on the part of finshaggy

Lol, the lack of knowledge is actually on Franky's part. And it is due to lack of reading or watching the videos plainly available in the first post.

the rest of the world wants knowledge of the reality of the world and limits of the project.

not the extra detail of the colours and the symbols on the flag of your utopia.. you may have more knowledge of how you want your town to be because your drugged hallucinations dreamed it up. but you do not show very much knowledge about the realities of the world/infrustructure/ basic requirements/ laws/ policies/ permits etc to make it happen
full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
main paragraphs to research and change, due to lack of knowledge on the part of finshaggy

Lol, the lack of knowledge is actually on Franky's part. And it is due to lack of reading or watching the videos plainly available in the first post.
Activity: 4424
Merit: 4794
main paragraphs to research and change, due to lack of knowledge on the part of finshaggy

All you need to start a town is 51% of the people's vote, and a written constitution or some other founding document.
suggestion: look into freestate project. the comment finshaggy makes it to attempt to blindside people into believing to make a fully legal and established town is x amount of land and a hand full of people. the actual scenario is that this just alows them to name a plot of land. the laws and coverage of government control do not change.

If 200 people each put in $10,000 (or equivalent in BTC) the property would be ours (I think this could be accomplished in 1 year).
this again is just for finshaggys stretch of land called masontown. no electric, water, internet will be secure on this land. and finshaggy will be the towns governor/owner/mayor of the land. deciding on who get plots, where he has been fully made aware of that community buildings/farms/solar fields take up space which reduces space left over for residences. so dont expect the $10,000 to end up as your own land under your own control. finshaggy has already stated voters can vote to utilise other peoples empty space for the benefit of the community.

communal money
this is the bit that finshaggy hides away from. his own total investmet fund of 3BTC (partly spent on silk road already wont be used for any of his projects. it will all be from potential residents paying him to control the town under his utopian dream. other people have made their suggestions and have been ignored. finshaggy is not a competent leader to be trusted with community funds

i would go on but i have at this point seen 5 other opportunities to facepalm his statements, and thus i give up trying t show the truth behind finshaggys brain fart

Edit thank you Elwar. you took over and done it faster, then where i was about to give up highlighting the fails
Activity: 3598
Merit: 2386
Viva Ut Vivas
A small sample of quotes from FinShaggy from the other thread.

We will be writing a town constitution

we will be allowing people to sell or rent out their plots

we will be voting on what the land can be used/sold for

Anyone with no project plans will be lumped together to make a giant plot to rent out for air balloon landings

Housing won't have any restrictions except for height

And the person will go to jail, or whatever is decided as punishment

a town where no one pays taxes

the prison is paid YOUR taxes based on how many beds it fills

we could even try to use town funds to buy a private island

One of those places should start getting government funding, and start housing families & Veterans.

The libraries should have public printing machines to promote free speech.

There should also be a publishing program

We need to have better welfare for regular citizens and veterans

The government needs to provide for those people

Computers...everyone should have one no matter how poor. TVs too.

You only get a Earthship if you want a FREE house

we will eventually build a radio studio in town

Exercise programs in the town square every morning.

we could get a good educational program going and maybe even start our own university

We would eventually get a bus, then start a fleet

But once we got enough communal town funds we could work on that.

We actually hope to make a local restaurant and turn it into a national franchise

we would need a state of the art medical facility

The police, health, fire and other government departments should also utilize these programs to earn extra income by creating "cops" like programs, which will also keep them honest since they have viewers.

We also hope to open a hatchery, and make a lake if we don't start with one.

we need to go to each church and offer them contracts to not be churches any more

we find churches that need funding, and pay them to be "community centers"

opening a non-denominational church in town

This will be the local religion

church employees can get a government salary

We will have plenty of local holidays over time

There needs to be people that come to every party and bring free food or at least drinks/alcohol

You need to gather for a reason, not just because it's the weekend or you want to party

all a community has to work towards is developing shops, housing and eventually public buildings

I even believe that animals should be liberated and humans should be taught to communicate through body language with animals

The only way a plant can talk is with its chemicals (ex Poison: Don't touch/eat me) Learn to communicate on a level deeper than speech.

Everyone would have a machine that they repaired, or checked on.

you pay for the electricity, you mine the coins, but you give some shit away for free

Candy Contest, have people make home made candy and have a contest. And it could fit in well with Halloween in the square.

Classrooms should utilize programs like AdSense and Bitcoin mining. Parents and kids should have to sign a waiver saying that students CAN use their cell phones, cameras and other devices in the classrooms of teachers that deem it acceptable.

I am working on plenty of Charitable projects

New Mexico has awesome laws

Drug dealers would be arrested.

Manufacturing & Selling cocaine isn't a victimless crime. And neither is prostitution.

it's illegal to manufacture guns

I plan on hiding nothing and cooperating (with police) whenever asked.

We will just have to defend the guy in court

we can start a political party based on the towns philosophy

You have to work if you want a share of communal food

we will not have ongoing outside programs inside our town

It would be child friendly, we even allow children to vote if they want.

Education will be non traditional...They will still have the traditional subjects, but they won't be taught like lectures so much.

We will have a program for children and adults that will work towards creating all kinds of community projects

We will make dirt bikes legal.

I would be the one that got tax forms and everything I already plan on that
(for the $2 million land purchase)

we would work out getting everyone their territory afterwards

I have plans for a space program. And the creation of a non-territorial nation.

I've been in court for weed my whole life, but now I have a medical card for it.
full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
The old Bitcoin town thread is cluttered now, so I decided to move it here.
This is about 1/6 of the total idea, so sorry if some stuff is not covered. Videos and writing will be done to explain everything over the next month.

My little brother died about a week and a half ago, so the town will now be named after him. He was 11 years old and his name was Mason.

The mission of the town is: Freedom, as guaranteed by the constitution of America
Plans are to have a size of land between 600 acres and 6000+ acres by sometime in 2015

Other projects that will be completed before, and/or inside Bitcoin Town:
Bitcoin Restaurant:
Bitcoin TV Show:
Bitcoin Church/Charity:
Bitcoin Casino:
Bitcoin Philanthropist Awards:
Solar Powered Mining:;topicseen
Bitcoin Museum:
Bitcoin Junk-Yard:
Bitcoin Farm:
Devtome Brick and Mortar:

All you need to start a town is 51% of the people's vote, and a written constitution or some other founding document. If we invest in our own town we can be the founders, and with BTC it will make it easier for us to come together from around the world to get this done. As well as not worry about paying taxes as long as we don't exchange cash (we have a way to do this that will be explained only to people who are very interested in supporting the town). And we could have the elected town leaders & business hubs pay federal taxes and do all our fiat exchanges for us, so that our "no tax town" system is viable.

And you only need 6 acres of people to agree... So I looked online and there are patches of land that are 600 acres (nearly 1 square mile. As well as much larger plots.) for sale in New Mexico. If 200 people each put in $10,000 (or equivalent in BTC) the property would be ours (I think this could be accomplished in 1 year). And at that point we could start using the land to farm and produce things and anyone who could afford a house or an Earthship could start building, while anyone else can rent their land out to earn money, or sell it (we will all come together and vote on what the land can and cannot be used for during this time) and once we have some communal money we can help people build Earthships and start working on Solar power and getting a super solid internet connection. Then we could start building FPGAs and ASICs, while we farm and produce what we can.

I feel New Mexico would be the best place to start something like this for a few reasons:

1. Billy the Kid ran out the Illuminati by starting a war against the corrupt "Justice System" where the people were literally shooting at cops.

2. the Freemasons messed up with their farming methods which was the reason for the "dust bowl". So all the people that would oppose Bitcoin are gone (central bankers and such).

3. Land is cheap in New Mexico.

4. It is a good place for affordable "Earthship" living, and could easily accommodate regular housing as well.

5. Tons of sun all year round, so we could try to start the community with some solar power, and work towards making it all solar powered. And anyone who wanted to farm could.

6. In New Mexico you don't have to pay taxes on most food trade anyways.

Once the town got started we would buy a some tractors, and use them to build better roads and farm better. Then we can start opening gift shops and things like that, and eventually work on starting our own franchises, or bringing a few to town and accepting bitcoin.

But we could make it a town where no one pays taxes, and the "town government" is nothing but a service.  

Most Important Videos:

First installment of "Bitcoin Town": Creating a Town in America

First Things First

Local Politics

Biodiesel & Transportation

TV Show

Seed Stock

Library & Education


Biodiesel & Solar Power

Restaurant Franchise

Voting System

3D Printers

Giant Reed:

Phalaris (Canary Reed):



Sugar Farm:

Other Videos About Bitcoin Town:

New Mexico

The Arts

The Police

The Island



Water & Distilling

Cubensis Mushrooms

Everyone Gets a Vote

Medical Marijuana


Individual Freedoms

Radio Shows

Junk Yard



Corn Farmers

San Pedro:


Public Cars

Sweat Lodge:

Hot Sauce:


Land we are looking at for Bitcoin Town:
(Raton is growing and is the border between NM and CO)

Land we are looking at for the farm before Bitcointown:

We will be attempting to start a restaurant, so that the town has a good place to eat and food supply ready to move in right when we get there Smiley
If we can't start the restaurant before the town, we will start it IN town once we have a small community.

The things that we plan to have on the menu so far are these:

Burgers (REAL ones, not like McDonalds)
Funnel Cake
French Fries
Carne Asada
Burritos (and every other variation of tortilla and contents, which means chips and salsa too)
A Salad Bar
And anyone involved's "specialty"

And, we are going to work together with the environment to create the ideal natural living conditions. There will be an eco-council that watches the flora and fauna each year, and they will release a decided number of certain animals and plants, then the next year they will see if anything new needs to be done to balance the eco system.

Buy and eventually breed drangonfly eggs to be released into town ponds, to eat mosquitos and similar pests, while adding to the "enchantment" of New Mexico.

Breed and release free-range Guinea Chickens, for eggs. Also for their "watch dog" qualities, as in, Guinea chickens will alert you when someone that is not from the neighborhood, or a new animal is around. They also eat ants, TICKS & spiders. So they are pretty good animals to have around.

Put up bat houses to attract bats, as well as bird houses to attract birds. And fruit trees (and cactuses like "saguaro", which grow to be over 50 foot tall and live longer than humans) that grow well in New Mexico (like Pears, Apples & Peaches) to feed them, and so that public workers can collect food to be distributed. Bat guano can also be collected for many uses, including fertilizer. And both animals eat bugs that are pests.

We will have a rabbit farm to feed both humans and any pets, while providing fertilizer.

This is just a few of the ideas that will be presented in the videos soon, so that we can live in a near perfect eco-system. And we can sell the eggs from the dragonflies and chickens, as well as the guano from the bats and the fruit from the trees, on the internet and at market.

For the people that could not afford their own house, this is the kind of house we would be building as public work (public work is for people who need money).

They are called EarthShips

The outline of an Earthship is made with old tires for insulation. The tires are framed with wood, and filled with concrete, some people fill the tires with soda cans or dirt, then concrete. Then some people put soda cans on the outside of the tires in the concrete also.

There are many benefits of Earthship living

We will also offer publicly built Geodomes for greenhouses and living.

We will also offer trailers to bury and use as basements, or use above ground as housing:

We will also add "cobb" extentions to each house, using what we dig up when making basements.
Cob is fire & Earthquake resistant.

Earthships are built east to west, with the glass facing the sun rise, and usually they try to use the dirt to make a small hill facing the sunset, which is where the rainwater collection chamber usually is. But reading about Cob material, I'm thinking we can just use the sandy ground in New Mexico, dig until we hit clay or buy some, then grow some canary reed to use as straw (grows very quickly). Then just add water and we can make an extension to each house, instead of a hill facing the sunset.

It will be practical, because we plan on getting trailers to bury and use as basements (so everyone has room for mining machines), so we will probably get a backhoe to dig holes, and will have plenty of raw dirt/sand.

People could also choose to have no Earthship, but it would be good to have at least one room designed like an Earthship, just because they are like massively insulative, so if there were ever a rare cold New Mexico day, a small fire could be made (or small heater plugged in) and heat the room effectively.

We will also use Adobe to make cheap, sturdy frames for the houses. It is similar to cob, and cob can be used as mortar and on the outside and inside to make the walls flat.

And our EarthShips will be different than most:

1. Each person will have at least three acres, so we won't be making small ones.

2. Geodomes outside will be used as green houses, making more room in the larger EarthShips

3. Trailers will be used to make basements, allowing for WAY more space.

And again, an outside company will be contracted for regular building, these will just be built for anyone that wants publically built housing.
You only get a Cobb/Earthship/Geodome if you want a FREE house Smiley

The free market will still be there. "Town work" will just be posted on bulletin boards or the internet, the whole point is just to have the town approve it so that the workers are paid by the town (if you can't afford to hire your own people), and people in town can earn some money.

Some people won't be moving to the land they buy, so we will have some plots that are rented out for maintenance or cash (by people that want to live in town but can't afford $10,000 for a plot, or by young people who get their parents to get them a place in town or something) by the owner, and those people will most likely be looking to the bulletin boards for work all the time.

And if you wanted to hire someone yourself from around town, that wouldn't be a problem at all. As long as you paid them with your money.

Also, we will be digging wells all over the land, so everyone cross your fingers for oil when we're looking for water. And we have a professional dowser who can find water for us Smiley As well as a Geologist/Engineer who could tell us if oil is possibly nearby, and appraise any minerals we find Smiley

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