once again I found a too-big-to-be-real-news:
http://bitcoinprbuzz.com/established-multinational-investment-firm-plunges-into-bitcoin-funds-development-of-next-generation-asics/I know nothing about buying miners, I have no the cutest ambition to do, but I am very curious, what you mean / know.
in short:
- an etablished multinational investment fond -- "Massive Luck Investment" -- invests in asics -- in bitmine
- they have contracts with world-leading chip-producers, e.G. global foundries
- they also run bet(tm)coin, owner of "highly unique" betcoin-dice
- the have a contract with a shanghai supercomputer center to use supercomputers for "cryptografic currency research" (but also want to mine with asic-supercomputer with 2ph)
I did recherche - but found nothing. A etablished investmend firm which claims to have been one of the first to fund skype - has no website. Also there are absolutely no news except a copy of the pr. Everything inside bitcoin-sphere, no cues outside.
I am sorry for copying a post from Startuak, but he brings it to the point:
If anyone can find ANYTHING out about 'Massive Luck Investments' please let me know.
The only reference on the entire web about this 5k employer with it's own factory, offices across the world which has 'gold and copper mining and rare earth metals' mining interests and is designing a 'Super Computer' for the Chinese Gov is this PR releases from today. How likely is that?
I would put money on 'MLI' being two guys in their mums bedroom in HK who BitMine have asked to pretend they are big time and are investing in them.
This is the only traceable part of MLI I can find as mentioned in the PR article:
http://www.betcoindice.tm/#/Does that look like the work of an international company with 5,000 staff?
It's a BitMine PR stunt IMO. Ken could do that shit and pay-off CoinDesk too. But would you want to invest in a company that publishes lies to generate business?
If anyone can disprove my brief investigation I will withdraw the allegation.
And there's a similar post on reddit (
http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1lo3a1/multinational_funds_bitcoin_mining_asics_and/), sorry again for copying it:
This is of interest to me because betcoin.tm is supposedly one arm of the investment strategy of one Massive Luck Investments, which claims to have invested a significant sum of money into Avalon-clone-builder BitMine.ch for the purpose of having 4 PH/s of hashing power built and hashing by March. They are supposedly a Hong Kong-based investment company whose principals helped fund Skype and which has offices all over the world, according to the press release.
Now, given that I'm a miner myself, and given the impact 4 PH/s would have on the network, I found myself concerned, so I did a search on Massive Luck Investments. I found a whois record for massiveluck.com, which is registered by some whois privacy service, and which redirects (slowly) to
http://massiveluck-com.webs.com, a site which claims to represent "Five Flag Holdings LTD," and which has only a landing page with a description of the firm's business ("strategic metals," which roughly aligns with that of "Massive Luck's" business as reported by CoinDesk: mining metals, in particular precious metals and rare earth metals) and a "contact us" page with an email, a phone number, and a physical address (more on that below). Five Flag Holdings LTD was founded in 2012, according to records I found online. I also found a whois record for betcoin.tm which lists the same address as the Five Flag Holdings contact page, and which does say it is owned by "Massive Luck." BitMine.ch themselves do mention the investment, saying on Aug 6th, 2013, that they expect to see a very large investment thanks to Massive Luck. Aside from those references to the company, however, the only other mentions online that I can find are one from a bitcointalk.org user saying much the same as I am, and copies of the press release (or news articles quoting it), except for one article about Bitcoin online gambling which characterizes the executive from betcoin it quotes as "PR-shy."
However, I also found a company, Lewis PR, that lists as its address one of the same suites that supposedly houses "Massive Luck Investments." EDIT: At least one other company is apparently housed in Suite 1. If someone wants to call either of them up and ask them if they have heard of their supposed neighbors Massive Luck Investments, that would be awesome.
EDIT2: The plot thickens! The phone number listed on the "Five Flag Holdings LTD" page is, curiously enough, the same number as is listed as a contact number here by one Fortune Leap International, Limited (which, even more curiously, is involved in mining rare earth metals, just as "Massive Luck Investments" supposedly is!).
I'm skeptical of this firm and anything it's involved with, and for obvious reasons, I'd very much like to discover that it's all just a bunch of bullshit. I'd appreciate any good information anyone can provide on this subject.
What do you think?