Once the project is mature, someone just has to clone it and people can have all the features of Mastercoin without having to purchase expensive Mastercoins.
The same could be said about Bitcoin. The momentum means businesses will be built up around Mastercoin and everyone will be looking at what Mastercoin is doing. Free isn't as good as profitable and people want to make money. Bitcoins are expensive but people buy them as an investment because the price continues to rise up. You could release a version of Bitcoins now and start over but all the businesses built around it and all the current Bitcoin stakeholders aren't going to put their support into that.
It would be a cheaper alternative. That's what I'm getting at. It's not like the BTC vs LTC wars. A competitor immediately has the same security. It's not exactly a whole new crypto-currency like the originals. You are essentially betting on people being loyal to Mastercoin.
I'm betting that if you own Mastercoins and they are rising in price you're going to stick to it. So yeah you'll be loyal if you own Mastercoins because it's like owning stock. New people might not care about owning Mastercoins but the latest software updates will go to Mastercoin first and whatever copies it will always be playing catch up.
I'm not saying its impossible. In theory a large corporation could try to create a corporate Mastercoin and launch it as a free alternative but other than that I don't see how you can get the momentum without paying people to develop it. You're saying a bunch of programmers developing it for free will be as motivated as people who work on Mastercoin for a living. If you got a lot of Mastercoins and you don't have to worry about money anymore you're going to do a better job programming than a part time hobbyist. My argument is that momentum will build to a point where the people who are established early in Mastercoin will never have to work doing anything but improve Mastercoin. I'm betting that those people will be loyal and will be dedicated to keeping the value of the Mastercoin stock high. I consider the Mastercoins as a type of stock. I also think you will need some kind of coin whether it be free or not, and I don't see why anyone would switch to a new coin due to it being free for the reason that a new coin if its free cannot be seen as an asset. An asset is something you can purchase and watch its value increase over time, while if the coin were free it's not really an investment so how would it attract speculators in the first place?
The reason is Mastercoins are something people can use to track the value of the Mastercoin project. The ability to attract the value of the project has value to speculators. If Mastercoin didn't have a price and it were built up using Colored Coin or some alternative we would just have a user defined currency or smart property created within Colored Coin called "Mastercoin" which people would be trading to determine the true value of the Mastercoin project. Speculators are going to want to speculate on that regardless. So even if a new competitor or Colored Coin came about we would still have people trading Mastercoins within Colored Coin or within that competitor product. I don't know that the price would be as high with competition if the competition were able to keep up with the development but someone would for sure create a way to track the value of the project because that is the reason why these technologies are built.
And why would someone who is about to do an IPO care? Offer shares on the original Mastercoin or use the cheaper alt-mastercoin where the fees are pretty much as cheap as BTC transactions will allow?
For an IPO maybe you're right but thats not all Mastercoin can do. Colored Coin can do that and you have a point. Mastercoin can let you create a bitUSD. How do you create a bitUSD if it doesn't have something to give it value?
If Mastercoins have no value, if they are empty, how would we use them to create something which has value like bitUSD?
While I don't fully understand Mastercoin yet, it seems to make sense that in order to create value you must have something of equal or of greater value. Value doesn't just come from thin air. So Mastercoins have value and you can put that value behind anything and create an altcoin but if it didn't have value then how do you guarantee that the usercoins or altcoins created have value and how do you manage the price? bitUSD has to track exactly to the price of USD which means that it has a fairly precise value. So just like a scale something backing it has to precisely track the real world value of USD and I don't know how you do that without having something behind it. I don't see how Mastercoin could be completely free because some Bitcoins will have to be used to give it value at some point but I could be wrong.
They should be loyal to a certain software package or website? If a company decides to use the alt-mastercoin, they just direct the investors to another download site so they can begin right away. This alt-mastercoin would probably even have compatibility to manage old mastercoin transactions as well. Wouldn't users flock to the package that manages both? And wouldn't businesses and users use the one that's cheapest?
Provide more detail on how escrow can be done with a completely free Mastercoin.
Mastercoin allows users to create user defined currencies by using Mastercoins as escrow. This means value isn't created or destroyed as far as I can tell. It's transferred from the Mastercoin into the user defined coin. How do you do that if Mastercoins are completely free and anyone can have as many as they want?
The more expensive Mastercoin gets the more there is an incentive for a cheaper alternative. This cheaper alternative would be best to wait until Mastercoin is mature. After people have invested time and money. It would totally destroy investors who are heavily invested in Mastercoin as an investment as apposed to an actual tool for trade. That's what worries me. People promising wealth on a tool. That's what it is. It's moving BTC around. The BTC is here to stay. The tools on top will change.
It wont get expensive. People will just use less of them. The question is what makes you think it can be done completely for free? How do you do escrow or back a currency for free? If you're creating goldcoin how can you do that with a free Mastercoin? If it's possible to do that then you have a point.
Colored coins are built into the blockchain! Just like Mastercoin.
That isn't true. Colored Coins are not exclusively built into the Bitcoin blockchain and do not work the same way. Which implementation of Colored Coins are you talking about?
Exact same thing can be done with colored coins. Just define the new currency as 1 satoshi = 100 units new currency residing in address x. Define that no new BTC sent to that address are valid. All completely done without Mastercoin.
If just 1 satoshi were used then it would definitely be cheaper than Mastercoin. But would it be better?
Let's say you want to make a bet, how do you make a bet if you don't risk anything? How exactly will those user defined currencies which start out like that gain any value? Explain to me where the value would come from if not backed by something else? If people don't have to spend any valuable Mastercoins to give value to it then where does the value come from?
Explain your system in detail please.
Miners are a HUGE form of momentum. That's what keeps us on BTC. If we could invent a currency with the same security as BTC instantly, BTC would be threatened. With mastercoin or colored coins that scenario is not only possible but likely. That's why a huge valuation for mastercoins makes no sense.
Miners provided security but Bitcoin mining isn't as decentralized as Litecoin. It's not the only reason people stay on the Bitcoin blockchain. People are using Bitcoin because more businesses accept Bitcoin whether Bitcoin is better or not.
The argument you're making is that a stream of Mastercoin clones will come along and reduce the value of Mastercoin down to nothing. The clone, and the clone of the clone, and the clone of that clone, etc. The bigger problem would be whether or not the Bitcoin blockchain could handle all that traffic.