It was the Bitcointalk forum that inspired us to create - Bitcointalk is an excellent site that should be the default page for anybody dealing in cryptocurrency, since it is a virtual gold-mine of data. However, our experience and user feedback led us create our site; Bitcointalk's search is slow, and difficult to get the results you need, because you need to log in first to find anything useful - furthermore, there are rate limiters for their search functionality.
The aim of our project is to create a faster website that yields more results and faster without having to create an account and eliminate the need to log in - your personal data, therefore, will never be in jeopardy since we are not asking for any of your data and you don't need to provide them to use our site with all of its capabilities.
We created this website with the sole purpose of users being able to search quickly and efficiently in the field of cryptocurrency so they will have access to the latest and most accurate information and thereby assisting the crypto-community at large.
$ docker rm bitcoind
$ docker run -it --network lnbook --name bitcoind lnbook/bitcoind
$ docker pull lndbook/lnd
Using default tag: latest
Error response from daemon: pull access denied for lndbook/lnd, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: requested access to the resource is denied
$ docker pull lnbook/lnd
Using default tag: latest
Error response from daemon: pull access denied for lndbook/lnd, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: requested access to the resource is denied
$ docker pull lncm/lnd
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from lncm/lnd
c9b1b535fdd9: Pull complete
b022e8c69823: Pull complete
be1ac9286ab7: Pull complete
3e9d70ec7fb9: Pull complete
35eacf42f633: Pull complete
ac7b308c590f: Pull complete
dc936d0a6ff0: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:971d6b7d7d98217aeb3142de50ec538dfaabcf31b33f16c5b7a4c5b56ab79ebb
Status: Downloaded newer image for lncm/lnd:latest
$ docker build -t lncm/lnd lnd
Sending build context to Docker daemon 11.78kB
Step 1/36 : ARG OS=ubuntu
Step 2/36 : ARG OS_VER=focal
Step 3/36 : ARG GO_VER=1.13
Step 4/36 : FROM ${OS}:${OS_VER} as os
---> d5447fc01ae6
Step 5/36 : FROM golang:${GO_VER} as go
1.13: Pulling from library/golang
d6ff36c9ec48: Pull complete
c958d65b3090: Pull complete
edaf0a6b092f: Pull complete
80931cf68816: Pull complete
813643441356: Pull complete
799f41bb59c9: Pull complete
16b5038bccc8: Pull complete
get "": found meta tag get.metaImport{Prefix:"", VCS:"git", RepoRoot:""} at //
get "": verifying non-authoritative meta tag
The command '/bin/sh -c mkdir -p ${GOPATH}/src && cd ${GOPATH}/src && go get -v -d && cd ${GOPATH}/src/ && git checkout tags/${LND_VER} && make clean && make && make install' returned a non-zero code: 1
$ docker pull lnbook/lnd
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from lnbook/lnd
35807b77a593: Already exists
ae922e9149d6: Already exists
54b0859e8891: Pull complete
6ec898f59cb9: Pull complete
30910091372f: Pull complete
fc2f3334d969: Pull complete
6c0a14290d9a: Pull complete
aac1c3f5cd1b: Pull complete
add701ef0271: Pull complete
bd9f43bdd10f: Pull complete
564e40e79828: Pull complete
c3a5779fc09f: Pull complete
3a956cdc95e8: Pull complete
376a33408dca: Pull complete
d6703385ffea: Pull complete
766fa2998f46: Pull complete
cfda81712259: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:ac176e7510c6a8a4e0174de4b334cfa2f004177b06e30234872e7d65f8227040
Status: Downloaded newer image for lnbook/lnd:latest
$ docker build -t lnbook/lnd lnd
Sending build context to Docker daemon 11.78kB
Step 1/36 : ARG OS=ubuntu
Step 2/36 : ARG OS_VER=focal
Step 3/36 : ARG GO_VER=1.13
Step 4/36 : FROM ${OS}:${OS_VER} as os
---> d5447fc01ae6
Step 5/36 : FROM golang:${GO_VER} as go
---> d6f3656320fe
Step 6/36 : FROM os AS os-base
---> d5447fc01ae6
Step 7/36 : RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get update -qq && apt-get install -yqq curl unzip jq bash-completion
---> Using cache
---> 2e87c33d44ed
Step 8/36 : FROM go as lnd-build
---> d6f3656320fe
Step 9/36 : ENV GO_VER=${GO_VER}
---> Using cache
---> 18cffc28743d
Step 10/36 : ENV GOPATH=/go
---> Using cache
---> d2bae344e1d9
Step 11/36 : ARG LND_VER=v0.13.1-beta
---> Using cache
---> 9a1f66f38512
Step 12/36 : ENV LND_VER=${LND_VER}
---> Using cache
---> 42d6b61dfec7
Step 13/36 : RUN mkdir -p ${GOPATH}/src && cd ${GOPATH}/src && go get -v -d && cd ${GOPATH}/src/ && git checkout tags/${LND_VER} && make clean && make && make install
---> Running in 64d422918c9f
get "": found meta tag get.metaImport{Prefix:"", VCS:"git", RepoRoot:""} at //
get "": found meta tag get.metaImport{Prefix:"", VCS:"git", RepoRoot:""} at //
get "": verifying non-authoritative meta tag
The command '/bin/sh -c mkdir -p ${GOPATH}/src && cd ${GOPATH}/src && go get -v -d && cd ${GOPATH}/src/ && git checkout tags/${LND_VER} && make clean && make && make install' returned a non-zero code: 1
$ docker rm bitcoind
$ docker run -it --network lnbook --name bitcoind lnbook/bitcoind
$ docker network create lnbook
$ docker run -it --network lnbook --name bitcoind lnbook/bitcoind
$ docker run -it --name bitcoind lnbook/bitcoind
docker: Error response from daemon: Conflict. The container name "/bitcoind" is already in use by container "15d2c58b441707ae2777050a99f330c013639d37805cd9b1573f4db1faccd30e". You have to remove (or rename) that container to be able to reuse that name.
See 'docker run --help'.
$ docker rm bitcoind
$ docker run -it --network lnbook --name bitcoind lnbook/bitcoind
[...] --> A --- 0.1 BTC --> B --- 0.1 BTC --> C --> [...]
[...] --> A --- 0.1 BTC --> B --- 0.1 BTC --> C --> [...]
// NumMaxHops is the maximum path length. There is a maximum of 1300 bytes in
// the routing info block. Legacy hop payloads are always 65 bytes, while tlv
// payloads are at least 47 bytes (tlvlen 1, amt 2, timelock 2, nextchan 10,
// hmac 32) for the intermediate hops and 37 bytes (tlvlen 1, amt 2, timelock 2,
// hmac 32) for the exit hop. The maximum path length can therefore only be
// reached by using tlv payloads only. With that, the maximum number of
// intermediate hops is: Floor((1300 - 37) / 47) = 26. Including the exit hop,
// the maximum path length is 27 hops.
[0] B opens 1BTC channel towards A
State 0: A [0] --- B [1]
[1] B sends A 0.1BTC
State 1: A [0.1] --- B[0.9]
[2] B sends A 0.2BTC
State 2: A [0.3] --- B[0.7]
[0] B opens 1BTC channel towards A
State 0: A [0] --- B [1]
[1] B sends A 0.1BTC
State 1: A [0.1] --- B[0.9]
[2] B sends A 0.2BTC
State 2: A [0.3] --- B[0.7]